I could show you incredible things...

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Maybe you guessed, maybe you didn't, but it's time for a stupid A/N. I hope you'll read it, I'm trying to make it as short as possible.


1.) I wanna thank you all for being so bloody amazing. Last chapter got SOOOO MANY comments and it made me so happy. Few people I wanna thank, so here it is, my bae list (AND THIS LIST IS BASED on people who had been here since the day one and who has arrived few weeks ago but have been super-duper-supportive and the list is based on those who had commented a lot, because I can't see who has voted etc. And also if you have been here since the day 1 and you are not on the list, DM and I'll fix it ;)

-@newt_instruments My bae <3 Bae today, bae tomorrow, bae forever. Can't wait for your update and srsl, everytime I update, I'm DYING to read your comments. I don't have words for you.

-@newt_greenie What can I say... Not much. You make me wanna smile, you make me wanna dance. I like you. IIIII like you.

-@Keeko_xoxo From today, you are going to have a new name, you are going to be the 'title-girl' because you see through all the titles... Well, that was shiiit, but you know what I mean.  ( I tried to quote someone, but I have no idea who....)

-@sadiegirl0314 I don't have words for you girl, but your love will never be replaced. You were one of my first beas and I'll never forger you or forgive you if you'll leave me :(

-@Runner250 I'm just going to say; STAYYYY, WITH ME.... COZ YOU'RE/ ALLL I NEED

-@Newtsghost I asked you to read my story and you did. You are one of those people I ADORE because you were so sweet, supportive and you didn't leave me after reading the first chapter. PS. I still LOVE you freaky name :)

-@Queeniecupcake OMG. THIS BAE IS AMAZING. YOU. WERE. MY. FIRST. COMMENT. EVER. LIKE ever. You took my virginity on comments. DAMN YOU. I loveh you though.

-@Johu734 I'm very happy to have you here. I hope you'll read the part too.... ;)

-@DorkyDuck404 Been here since the day 1. Love you. Adore you. And miss you.

-@Katniss_granger216 I'm very glad that you've been reading AND commenting my story, you make me smile. :) Like an idiot. 


-@TheIrishGamerXD Are you really from Ireland?

2.) HEY, PLEASE GO and read @Johu734 fanfiction about Thomas Brodie-Sangster. It's called 'falling for you' and it has been pretty good.

3.) AND FEW QUESTIONS. I know you hate these, but THIS IS IMPORTANT.

-Do you want Newt and Selenia do the dirty?

-Should I save Lily? (If you can't remember her, she is from the I Would Die For You and she saved those lads from the maze. And if I'll save her, do you want her and Minho be an item? Is it okay if I'll play with their love?

-Do you wanna read more about Selenia and Thomas? AND NO. They are not going to be a couple, but should I open The Game? I mean, some pretty serious KLUNK happened there and I have made few *vinks about it. 

-Should Gally have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

-Any ideas how to destroy WICKED?

-Do you really want Selenia to have a pet??!?!?!?!? SRSL?!?!?!?!?!


-AND THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO ASK QUESTIONS ETC. Because if you had noticed that I have forgotten characters (LIKE LILY) you can always remind me of them.

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