Thomas' crush

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This story reached 1.5K OH MY NEWT <3 Thank you all, love you <3



///The Queen named Minho///

I drop myself on my knees and hold back tears. No. NO, NO, NO, not Chuck, please, not Chuck. Why, why him why not me, or someone else? Like someone from Group B? Or from C? WHY CHUCK? He was a child, a poor kid with an obsession about eating chicken nuggets for breakfast  and dreams about meeting his family. WHY.

"No..." I whisper. "No, no, Chuck, wake-up..." I shake his shoulder lightly and turn him around. I feel relieved when I realise that it's not Chuck, it's someone else. "Thank God." I mutter and stand up. I feel sorry for this young fella but I'm happy that I still have my little brother. Talking about brothers... Where the shuck is everybody else? Gally? FRYPAN? Newt, Thomas and Selenia....?

Oops. I emotionally slap myself when I think about Thomas and Selenia. I promised myself I'll keep them apart so he can't have a chance to kiss her. He is so stupid, wanting to kiss his friend's girl. What the shuck is wrong with him? It's not like Selenia isn't already walking through hell... And yes, I commit, I once had a small crush on her but that was like on the day one  before she took my place as the king and slayed me before I even got a chance to slay her. Stupid. AND she belongs with Newt. Even a blind man can say it, there is something stronger than love between them.

"FRYPAN!" I yell and look around. "Where are you? Are you angry or something? If this is about me saying that your soup tastes like Gally's pee... Well, I'm sorry. Gally's pee is not that bad, okay? And yes, I might have tasted it... Sorry, okay, i-i-it was Selenia's idea, she dared me, okay?" I walk around trying to see a sign of him - nothing.

"OUCH!" I yell when I feel a big pain on my foot. I kicked a metal box. 'For Group B' it says but I decide to shake it off, if somebody asks I can pretend that I can't read. I open the box and see some kinda files... I open the first one and see a pictures of all of us... Me, Selenia, Newt, Thomas, Chuck, Frypan and Gally. Expect somebody has drew big X's on Chuck's and Frypans faces. What the shuck?

I was planing of reading more but I hear a loud scream. A male's scream.



///Gally, Cato's husband///

I have to get out of here. I have to find Selenia and all the others. I'm trapped in a small white room with  no escape. The door is locked and there is one tiny window. What can I do? NOTHING.¨There's no way out. I'll die just like they told me I'll - as a piece of useless shit. Everybody else has done something, everybody else is something. Even Frypan is a bigger hero than I am...

'You saved Selenia...' A small voice says in my head.

'Shut up, she probably doesn't remember it.'

'Oh yes she does.'

'Well, she doesn't wanna think about it.'

'Oh c'mon, you saved her from HIM.'

'I know....'                A/N: This will be one big hella plot twist.

I shigh and sit on the floor. Selenia would find a way out. She always does. And yes,  I saved her, but without her brains we would have been trapped in that house for ages... She found a way out. She can find a way out of the darkness.

So, I guess I have to give up and think like her. What would Selenia do? Probably make out with Newt.

///Mark is a cute boy with a fridge instead of a heart/// (I can relate to him)

Well, this shit just got interesting. Minho looking for his friends. Gally trapped in a small room thinking about that night and Thomas and Selenia kissing and Newt seeing it. Wow. My girlfriend is a slut. But, I have to help her. After all we are talking about Selenia. A girl who never rests. A girl who fights no matter of what. Who never fails, who doesn't try.... A girl who stole my heart. And even that I know she has always used me and  always will I can't stop loving her.

And trust me, I've tried.

///Thomas who likes to kiss his best friend's girl///

I didn't know that girl's lips are this soft. If I would have known, I would have kissed her earlier. Like weeks ago. Actually, I should have fought for her, why did I ever let that stupid Newt take her? I don't even like Newt. I hate his silly accent, skinny body and weird ears and toes.

I deepen the kiss but there is something wrong.. Maybe I'm too.... OUCH. Somethin slaps my left cheek and hard. I open my eyes and see Selenia's hand on it. She... She just bitch slaped me. SELENIA. Bitch slapped. ME.

"FUCK YOU!" She stands up and wraps her hands around her body. She looks at me in shock and I can see her eyes filling with tears. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" She screams and takes steps back. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

"I thought you wanted to kiss me!"

"Aaaa, NO. STAY  AWAY."

"What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" I turn around and see Newt standind and glaring at me. "What. Did. You. Just. Do."

"Newt, I swear, I didn't do anything, I SWEAR." Selenia says and I can see tears falling down her cheeks. Welll, klunk. I just made the girl I like cry. Good job Thomas, well done. Want to have a cookie?

"I know baby." Newt says. I know, I saw him kissing you and you slapping him. I know this isn't your fault."

"I swear..." Selenia says. Her face is pale and she is still taking steps away from me, dangerously close to the window.

"Selenia, don't move." I say and walk towards me. She throws her hands in the air and cries even more.

"CAN'T I trust no one? Seriously, Thomas, what the FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? STOP WALKING TOWARDS ME!"

Everything happens so fast. I move closer and she moves away. Before I realise, she stumbles into the cord she was tied up and falls against the window. Apparently the window was very weak because it explodes into pieces and Selenia falls down with the small pieces of glass.

A/N: If you didn't get it, look at the picture <3

A/N: OKAYOKAY, if you are reading this, DON'T STOP. 'Don't stop, doing what you are doing... Coz everytime you move to the beat it gets harder for me to just...- ' (Who knows the ending?) As I already said, I thought about calling this story off. Well, I'm not going to do it, OF COURSE NOT. Your comments made me very happy and last chapter had like 40 comments. I know the plot twist about Thomas kissing Selenia made you upset.... SO How about Selenia falling down from 5th floor... OH GOD I'M A GENIOUS.

AND THAT WAS SO HARD TO WRITE, we all know Newt is a flawless bae and Thomas is not that mean, sorrrrry :(

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