Maze crossed lovers ( Don't know what that means )

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Maybe read the A/N? :(

Newt grabs Selenia's hand and leads the way to the Maze. The moment he steps in... Everything goes crashing down like all his dreams when he saw Selenia kissing lMark. And Thomas. Newt looks around the maze and swallows the huge lump in his throat. Nothing has changed. Or, should he think that One copied everything perfectly. The walls are as high as they were in their maze. And the road is as bumpy.

Newt looks to his left and see his pale ex-girlfriend. Selenia looks up to him and fakes a smile.

You all already do what I'mma say.


And comment.

"What do you think he wants us to do?" She asks and squeezes Newt's hand. Newt can't even count all the times they held hands but this one feels more special than any other. Maybe it's because they are not and item anymore? Or because she is holding his hand like her life is depending on it?

"I have no bloody idea." Newt says and raises his eyebrows when he hears Selenia's giggle.

"I swear it's been ages since the last time you said bloody." She says and Newt nods.

"And I swear it's been a life time since I heard your laugh."

Selenia sighs and Newt feels himself a little bit dumb. Why, WHY did he say that? He knows what she went through. He knows how One fucked her up. How he made her do many disgusting things, like killing someone.

"I'm sor...-"

"Don't." She says. "I... I think I hear something... Wow, what's that?" Selenia says and points something at Newt's right side. Newt turn around and looks at the big wall. The ropes are... Covering something. Text. Red... Text. Newt uses his right hand - not wanting to let go of Selenia's hand - and moves the ropes so they could see it better.

"Fuck." Selenia gasp when they read the text. Kill. What does it mean? Kill the people who have been hurt by your own hand.

"I'm pretty sure that's new." Selenia says. "And very creepy. Is it... Is it blood?"

"I think it is." Newt says. "Shuck, this is....-" Newt turns to face Selenia but he stops when he sees the familiar person behind Selenia's back.

"What?" Selenia asks when she sees the horror on Newt's face. She turns around and the air runs out of her body. "Alby?"

Alby nods his head few times and smiles. "Hi." He says and takes few steps closer to Selenia. "Nice to see you."

"I... Um, nice to see you too." She says. "I thought that... I thought that you were dead!" She says and smiles widely. "Alby!" Selenia is just about to take a step closer to him but Newt suddenly grabs her hand and pulls her fastly back, that fastly that her back hits his chest.

"Don't. He is dead. See those veins popping under his skin? Dead as a cold stone." Newt says and moves Selenia so she is standing behind his back.

"But... He seems pretty alive to me." She says.

"Oh, I am alive." Alby says. "Alive as... Not a cold stone. But enough with the talking and let's start killing. Which one of you sweet little lovers wants to die first?"

"You." Selenia says. Before Newt can say anything, before he can even think a small piece of metal flies through the air and hits Alby's chest. After few seconds later Alby turns into ash and disappears. Newt grabs the knife and faces Selenia.

"Where did you learn that?" He asks.

"Gally," Selenia says and smiles. "I knew hanging out with him will be useful... Kill all the people who have been hurt by your own hand. Newt... I've killed a lot of people, this is going to be a looong night."

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