Kill her. ///not edited///

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///A/N////: My good friend Q once said: "A reader can make the Author happy by commenting once because she/he wants to be polite. But what makes Author happy and shows support is to comment more then once."

And she is right :/ Because EVERYBODY can write: "Omg, I love it," but those who write more then that, they are the people who FEEL. They tell what made them happy, sad, and angry. SO COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT

I neeeeed more then 10 comments before next chapter. Record is 41 and I know we can't break it, but 10? YES!

"We need to train you to fight." Marks says and grabs Selenia's hand. "We need to teach you to fight so you can protect the people you love. I can't always be there." Selenia smiles and tries to hide hear pain. She knows, that if she was with Newt he would say that he will ALWAYS be there. Unlike Mark, Newt was always so sure about them being together. He thought that they were ment for each others and that nothing could separete them. And like always, he was wrong.

"I'm ready." Selenia says and kisses Mark's jawline, she knows he likes it. Newt likes to be kissed on the lips... Who is she kidding? Newt LOVES to be kissed on the lips. "But I know how to fight. I'm better than anyone, I won you."

"Yes, honey, but that was like three years ago. Now, I'M taller."

"It does't matter if you are tall or short. Or strong. It's all about the brains. And we both know that I'm much smarter than you are."

"Fine. Show me."


Mark feels dazzled. Or slightly dizzy. Or maybe even a little bit starstruck, and it's all because of one clever girl. Selenia. She looks so focused, so confident, so sure about everything she does. And she is. She is very good, actually, she is so fuck*ng good that Mark  feels a little bit jealouse. What if she is better than him? But when he sees her loosing a fight to Dominic, he knows she is not. Because Mark won everyone, including Dominic, but Selenia didin't.

"Is that it?" Selenia asks. "Is that all you got? NEXT!" She screams and waits for another man to battle with. 

"Honey, that was it. I have another test for you." Suddenly, the whole room goes dark.

"Mark." Selenia says with a small fear on her voice. "You know I'm afraid of the darkness."

"This is a test." Mark says. "And your mother wants you to kill that girl."

"Ummm... What?" Selenia turns around to see a small girl sitting on a chair. She is maybe three or four and she has a beautiful long blond hair and green eyes. "I... I can't kill her."

Mark pulls out a gun and passes it to her. "But your mother wants you to. She wants you to shoot her brains out."

"Mark... Please don't do this. Please, please, PLEASE, do not make me do this. I can't kill a person, I can't kill A CHILD."

"Kill her or I'll Gally." Mark says and points behind Selenia's back. Selenia turns away and sees something she has been dying to see. Gally. His face is on lightly bruises and his another theeth is missing a piece. 

"Selenia." Gally says and Selenia runs to his arms. "Thank God you are alright, I was so worried."

"Gally, what are doing here?"

"I followed you and Mark, I'm sorry, I saw him following you to the maze so I followed him and... Wait. What are you doing here with him?"

"Enough Captain." Mark says and turns Selenia to face the young girl. "Kill her or I'll kill Gally."

"Selenia." Gally says. "You don't need to do that, I think it's alright if I die, nobody needs me."

"But I need you Gally." Selenia says. "I need you... Please Mark, please don't make me do this. This is wrong, she is nothing but a child." 

"It doesn't matter. Kill her or I'll kill Gally."

"No." Selenia says and steps infront of Gally. "Kill me."

"NO!" Gally screams and grabs Selenia. Selenia fights back and walks closer to Mark.

"Don't do this. There must be another way. Anything else expect this."

"Okay. I won't kill you... But you are going to suffer."

"Bring it on."


///Gally's P.O.V///

"How long is she going to be there?" I ask from Selenia's mother. Mark called her and told her that Selenia has been a bad girl and she needs to be punished. I asked Selenia to kill me but she just smiled and shaked her head. I never really realised how brave she is.

Selenia's mother smirks at me and rolls her eyes. She us almost is cocky as Selenia, who is sitting in a small dark room with spiders by the way. She has been there for four hours now, crying, screaming and begging Mrs. Paige to let her out. She is scared of the darkness and the spiders.

"Few minutes more. She needs to learn who's in  control."

"And torturing is the right way to teach it?"

"You think this is torturing?" Mrs. Paige asks from me and I know that I should stop speaking. The evil grin on her voice makes me wanna klunk in my pants. Life in the maze was so much betyer than life with her. "MARK! Let's show him how to torture people!"

Mark steps out of a small cabin and slowly shakes his head as no. "She doesn't deserve it. She only said no, she didn't do anything bad or wrong."

"She didn't kill her. I need to know that I can trust her. And yes. She doesn't deserve it, but this young Captain made me angry and now she is going to pay, okay? Okay. Do it."

"She is your daughter..."Mark says. Okay, I hate Mark but I guess he loves Selenia... at least tries to love her.

"DO IT!"

Mark nods and mothes 'I'm sorry' for me. I feel confused. What does it mean? He is not going to,-

"STOP!" Selenia screams. "STOP, STOP, PLEASE STOP! Please, please, help me! STOP! Fine, I'll do it, mom, just PLEASE STOP!" A/N; A small vink for the future

"Okay." Mrs. Paige says and smiles. "Send the girl in."

*****  ///Few days later///

"Selenia... It's okay. It's going to be fine."
She is sitting infront of the window and crying. She hadn't said a singe word since she killed the young girl.

"It's not okay. And it won't be. I killed someone. Gally, I ended a life, I'm a killer."

I sit next to her and place her on my lap. I wrap my arms around her like I once saw Newt doing. Where is he?

"I miss Newt." She says. "I miss him so much and I-"

"Miss Selenia Paige?" Someone says. I turn around and see a young man. He is standing at the door and looking at her. "Sir Mark wants to see you. He said that it's time to do it."

"No..." Selenia says and I see a small tear running down her cheek. "I can't do it, I'm not ready."

"He said that you don't have a choise."

"I CAN'T."

"You are going to do it. I'll give you a minute." He walks out and closes the door.
"Selenia? What was that?"

"They... Mark... Mom wants me to blow up the glade and the maze... So Newt can't get out."

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