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3rd Person PoV

"This place hasn't changed at all." Taeyong, Lucy and Chen left the base quite a while ago as they wanted to get this over and done with.

"They should change it, it's been here for a while." They looked up at the large gate that was surrounding the building. The building simply looked like any other business office. Yep, even from the inside but what they were working on will always remain a secret.

The guards who were stood outside have already been notified upon their arrival as Taeyong placed a call the night before so there wouldn't be a hassle as they arrived. And with that being said the guards let them in and the trio made their way into the building.

They got into the building and were greeted by the receptionist who greeted them with a smile before she attended to them. "Are you Lee Taeyong, leader of NCT 127?"

"Yeah, that's me I called last night." He said before pointing at the two behind him. "These two are with me."

The receptionist nodded before looking back at her computer screen and back at the trio. "You may go in now, his office is just downstairs but you will need to take the stairs."

"Thank you." And with the information given, the three proceeded to head towards the stairs which were located at the very end of the hallway.

"You two better not be rude." Taeyong warned them as they reached the bottom of the stairs as the door of the office was in their eye sight.

"Aye, he loves us." Lucy said as she took the lead and walked towards the said door in front of them. She took the honours to knock on the wooden door and waited for a voice to welcome them in, which it did. The fainted voice of a very familiar man amongst the three welcomed them in.

"Taeyong, what brings you here?" The said man asked before looking up at the boy in front of him. "Oh, is there something going with the three of you?" He asked as he noticed the two familiar girls stood behind Taeyong.

"Good morning old man." Chen said as Lucy waved at him.

"They want to talk to you actually." Taeyong said pushing the two in front of him.

"Hmm, the two hidden aces with the one and only Lee Taeyong, surprise me." He said pushing his laptop to his side as he folded his arms on his desk.

"We want to join NCT 127." Chen bluntly said which did catch the old man of guard.

"Okay I didn't expect you to still be that blunt."

"Aye, it's only been five years since the last time we saw you."

"Hmm, but why do you two want to be back in gang activities?"

"Sechan is planning to go higher up in ranks and take over 127, and we both know what he's like with power." Lucy was the one who spoke this time. "Him and Gunshot are even invited to the party next week even though they are a underground gang."

"And you two want to stop him or even put an end to him?" He asked earing a nod from both girls. "And you are okay with them joining your gang?" He asked Taeyong.

"They've actually been with us for a few weeks now and the boys have grown fond of them and they make a good addition to the group."

"Okay, fair enough I'll add you two to the list and make a public announcement."

"Do not mention our names when you announce it publicly." He looked at the girl very confused not understanding why she said that. "It's been five years and Sechan is still looking for us I rather not risk it this early on."

"Woah there fruit ninja." Lucy let her sword down and turned around to come face to face with Haechan who was leaning against the door frame.

"That one is new." She said wiping away the sweat that had form on her forehead for the past hour or so. She placed the sword to side and walked over to the said boy as he handed her a water bottle which she gladly took. "Thanks."

"I don't see you train that often, especially with that red sword of yours." He said as he eyed the sword on the side of the room. "Do you use guns?"

"Hmm, not that often though. I rather fight close up than shoot from a distance but guns tend to come in handy."

"Can you teach me?" Lucy looked up at the boy who is sat next to her.

"What, sword fighting?" She asked as she watched him nod his head. "I can't teach it but, I can tell you secret."

"Sure, go for it."

"I'm not really skilful when it comes to fighting, I was never taught how to use a sword. I just look skilful whenever I fight with a sword." She said getting up and making her way over to her sword and picked it up. "I freestyle my fights." She said pointing her sword towards Haechan.

"You freestyle?" He asked with shock. He remembers the first time he saw her fight with a sword and he really did think that some genius taught her how to use one but she's self-taught and even freestyles her moves in a fight. "So you don't have a signature move?"

"Not really no, but I like to point the tip of my sword against my opponents throat. You know, to make them hold their breath for a while." She said walking up to him. "You wanna know what that feels like?" She asked as she looked down at him as he was still sat down and she was now stood in front of him.

Without even giving him a chance to answer the tip of the sword was already against the said boy's throat and just as she said he did hold his breath as he was caught of guard by her quick reaction. She simply just smiled at him before lowering her sword. "You can breath now."

"You didn't even give me a chance to answer."

"If I did wait for your answer and you said yes, you would expect it and wouldn't have reacted in the same way you just did." She said as she watched him glare at knowing that his glare would not have a single affect on her. "You done with glaring at me? I want to buy some ice cream."

"You guys still need to get our gang tattoo."

"When are we getting them done then? It's better to get them before the party." Chen stated.

"You can get them today actually, the tattoo is small." Jungwoo said. It was currently him, the two girls and Sicheng in the kitchen, yep just the four of them. The rest of the gang was most likely just roaming around the place or out.

"I've never actually seen your tattoo, care to share." Lucy said looking at the two boys in front of her. "I don't care where they are just show me." She said rolling her eyes as she watched the boys share a look like they weren't sure about showing her.

Jungwoo pulled down the collar of his shirt as the gangs tattoo came in a few. It was actually a very simply tattoo and cute if you to ask the girls. The tattoo was simply just cherries with the 127 numbers by them. She then looked at Sicheng who turned around as his tattoo was on the top half of his neck.

"I like them." Chen said as the two boys fixed themselves. "I already know where mine is going to be."

"Does the tattoo have to be hidden?" Lucy asked.

Sicheng shook his head. "It just doesn't have to be that visible, you can also get it in any size."

"Okay, let's go then."

uewbgwejve where are all these reads coming from!?!? cuz wtf
despite the lack of action (which will start soon I promise) you guys still read this thank you<3

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