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3rd Person PoV

"What's this formal even for?"

Lucy sat down next to Taeil who has his eyes on the television. It has actually been an hour since the girls came back from shopping with Johnny, Mark and Haechan.

"It's a formal for a lot of gangs to attend. I mean, not all of the gangs to go you need an invitation." Taeil said switching between channels without sparing the girl a glance.

"Do we get to bring weapons?"

She heard a scoff coming from behind her. She looked behind and saw Yuta giving her a soft smirk before placing himself next to Lucy.

"It's a formal for a reason. Weapons aren't allowed." Yuta said. "But we keep some weapons in the car. Just in case you know."

"You will need a date for the formal." Jungwoo said walking into the living room.

"Why? Aren't we part of the gang now?" Chen walked into the room with Mark next to her. She took a seat not that far from them with Mark next to her.

"Yeah but females need to have a date no matter what." Jungwoo replied.

"Are all of you wearing black suits?" All of them nodded.

"Can we pick our dates?" Chen asks looking around. And all the boys shook their heads. "Why?"

"Your date will be the top two in the gang." Mark said.

"Who are they?"

"Jaehyun and Taeyong."

"Dammit I wanted Yuta to be my date." Lucy said.

"I thought you would want to go with Haechan." Mark said. "You two seem really close."

"Oh, I would. But imagine how intimidating me and Yuta would look." Lucy said which Yuta agreed with. "See even he's agreeing."


"Should I cover up my eyebrow slit?"

Chen was sat in front of the make up mirror one of the boys got for them. A few hours have passed ever since the conversation they had with some of the boys downstairs in the living room. And it was finally time for all of them to get ready for the formal tonight.

"No, keep it. It makes you look intimidating." Lucy said looking at Chen who started doing her eyebrows. "I mean you can still see mine."

"I should've dyed my hair red." Chen commented looking at her reflection in the mirror. "You know like the two strands at the front." She turned around to face Lucy who was putting her hoop earrings in.

"You should've told me earlier! I have hair dye with me."

"We'll do it when we get back."

Lucy nodded and went to back fixing herself before she walked over to Chen to help her with her hair.

It was a first for the girls to be attending something so big as a formal. The two never had the time to attend any form of party not even during their school years. Not that they really went to school.

"This is our first time looking this pretty." Chen said looking at Lucy and herself in the mirror.

"I know, it's something new." Lucy said not letting her eyes leave the reflection in front of her.

"Do you think they've forgotten about us?" Chen asks all of a sudden.

It wasn't a topic the two girls were fond of. It was a past memory they wanted to leave behind but also bring back to the present. It was something that was part of them and that they could never let go no matter how hard they tried.

"It's not like we were important to them."

"Are you two done?" The familiar voice made them forget about their conversation and made them focus their eyes to the owner of the voice.

"Imagine if we were naked."

"I don't think you would've left the door wide open of you were naked, Lucy." Taeyong said.

"Why are you two even here?" Chen asks, obviously talking about the two standing at the door frame as he finally put on her heels. "Aren't you supposed to wait downstairs?" She looked at them.

"The others already left, and we can't really leave without our dates." Taeyong said looking at the two girls who he could make eye contact with as they were both wearing heels.

"Oh yeah. Taeyong is my date." Lucy said before Jaehyun could even open his mouth.

"Well looks like you're stuck with me, Loverboy." Chen winked at Jaehyun before she pulled him out of the room and down the corridor.

"Why am I always stuck with you? God do you hate me?"

"You were the one who started with the hate towards me." She said holding his wrist and dragging him down the stairs. "If I remember correctly, you asked Taeyong if you could
shoot me."

"Still wish he did."

"He likes me now." The two finally left the house and walked straight away to the limousine who was waiting for them and where Lucy and Taeyong were also waiting.

"What took you two so long to get here?"

"He was complaining about being my date tonight."

yes I know six chapters in and there is no action I know I know. But there will be, soon I promise

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