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3rd Person PoV

"We need to be careful now."

The two girls decided to stay in their room for the day as they both didn't feel like walking around the house like they normally did.

"I'm worried though." Lucy said. She turned around her chair letting herself face Chen who was lying down on her bed with her eyes fixed on the ceiling. "We literally brought trouble to the boys."

Chen looked over to Lucy who made herself comfortable in a different position. Her knees were brought up to her chest and she rested her face on top of them.

"If Sechan founds out that we're here, it's going to end up bad and we both know that." Lucy said looking at Chen.

Chen knows she right. It's the first time that the have been in a situation like this so they really had no idea of what they need to do. Running away is too risky right as they know that Sechan and the entire gang is looking for them.

The two just remained in the silence that they created. Even though it was quiet their minds were filled what everything that could possibly happen in the following days, weeks or maybe months.


Taeil burst into Taeyong's office with Doyong behind him who was holding his laptop. Doyoung quickly placed the laptop right in front of the Taeyong pressing the space button to allow the video to start playing.

Taeyong couldn't even ask what they were showing him as what was happening in the video was something he never even knew happened.

It was the night of the formal, the night that the girls had their first fight.

Taeyong focused his eyes on the one figure that's appeared on the screen. Taeyong knew exactly who it was. 'Yang Sechan' he whispered under his breath.

"How the hell did you manage to get in?"

"Rooftop." Doyoung said pausing the video. "We were just checking the security cameras from that night and he just happens to be in one of them."

"And we have no idea why he was even there."

Taeyong looked back at the screen and it was still the exact same as before. Taeyong started analysing the frozen screen in front of him. He noticed that the make in the said video probably didn't even realise that there was a camera fixed on his figure.

Taeyong noticed how Sechan's eyes were fixed on someone on the floor below him. The camera and the area where Sechan was standing was on the second floor. It was obvious that he was looking down but to who or what is still unclear.

Taeyong turned his head to face Taeil and Doyoung. Before he could ask the question Taeil beat him to it like he already knew what he was ask.

"We don't know what or who he is looking at. There's no camera where he standing."

"Do you know what time he left the building?"

"He left before the fight started so he wasn't there to see Chen and Lucy fight." Doyoung answered him.

"We need to find out why he was there that day." Taeyong paused for a second before looking up. "Call the rest for a meeting." Taeyong got up and was the first one to leave his office with Taeil and Doyoung behind him as they separated ways to call the rest of them.

After like five minutes, Doyoung and Taeil managed to get everyone in the meeting room. As soon as the last person was seated in their  chair, Taeyong played the video on the main screen and made the rest of the gang watch it in silence.

"So he was there that night as well?" Sicheng looked at Taeyong. "And we don't know why." Doyoung nodded as he turned off his laptop.

"He also left the place without a trace." Taeil said as he noticed that Taeyong wasn't going to speak up.

"I don't think he was looking for something or someone." Mark said. He only received confused and blank faces from the rest of the gang. "He seemed way to relaxed. If he was actually on a search for something, he wouldn't be that calm."

"He's got a point." Yuta said.

What Mark said did make sense after they all thought about it. If it was them in that video and were actually on a search they would be walking around the place and not just stand there and look around like there's nothing to worry about.

Taeyong made eye contact with the two girls who were sat on the other side of the table. It was like he was trying to read their minds. Cause from his point of view, it looks like there is a lot going through their minds.

"Doyoung." Lucy said breaking the eye contact the two of them were sharing with the leader and faced Doyoung. "How long do you think it will take you and Taeil to get the footage from last years formal from that exact camera?"

"An hour or two?" Doyoung said looking at Taeil who nodded at the estimated time Doyoung gave the girl.

"Do you have anything to say?" Chen then spoke up directing the question to Taeyong. He didn't say anything and just shook his head. "Can we meet again after two hours?" Taeyong looked up upon hearing the question the girl asked. Not knowing exactly why, he nodded and just like that he ended the meeting.

"You shouldn't have looked at them like that." Taeyong turned his head and was met with Johnny and Jaehyun looking at him. "They know what you were thinking when you looked at them." Jaehyun spoke up again. "We know what you were thinking." When he said we he simply meant him and Johnny.

"Don't start suddenly doubting them." Johnny said getting up Jaehyun doing the same. "You know they will proof you wrong." And with that the two left their leader behind in the meeting room.

"Character development, I see." Johnny said as the two of them had walked a distance away from the room.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you. You were backing the girls, and we all know that you still aren't fond of them."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"Okay but why are we coming we you two?"

After the meeting ended Chen and Lucy grabbed Haechan and Mark and dragged them outside the base. They explained to the two where they were going to do they wouldn't be asking too many questions.

"You two are our favourite people." Chen said making herself comfortable in the back seat with Lucy.

"Just drive we only have two hours."

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