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3rd Person PoV

The three finally got home and Chen and Lucy walked into the living room with Taeyong to see that all the boys were still awake. They don't know if they knew that they were planning to run away or not.

"I heard I was missed by my loverboy."

"I never said that." Jaehyun rolled his eyes. He watched as Lucy started smirking and made her way over to an empty seat between Mark and Yuta who smiled at the girl.

"Didn't think he would start responding to loverboy." Jungwoo said which made the others laugh.

"Also, Tae where did you go?" Johnny asked as Taeyong never gave him to chance to ask why he wanted to know the name of the motel.

"I went to pick up those two." The boys looked over at the girls as they had no clue that they left the house.

"Don't ask." Lucy said before any of them could even breath out a letter.

"They were gonna run away." Taeyong bluntly said. This made the rest of the boys look at the two girls who just blankly sat there. I mean yeah they were gonna tell the boys but Taeyong said it sooner than them.

"And why would you do that?" Jungwoo raised the question everyone wanted to ask.

"It felt like we weren't welcome anymore." Lucy simply said, taking a can out of her bag and opening it.

"Yeah because a bunch of gang members would kick out two criminals who have been living with them for a few days." Haechan said like it was an actually fact.

The boys really did grow fond of them so all that of them being part of a different gang, well used to, didn't bother them on bit.

"Taeyong even accepted you guys into the gang, even though I'm still against it." Jaehyun said which he then got hit by Doyoung on the back of his head.

"Stop being a dick."


"Have you found anything?"

"Not a single thing." He said before turning back to his computer. "There's not a even trace on social media."

"Damn it! It's been five years!" He slammed his fist on the table making the other jump and almost dropping his iPad on the floor. "I wish we never trained them to be the best of the best."

It felt like yesterday when he lead them into his arms, it was simply because they reminded him of himself, his younger self. It was liking watching himself grow up but just without realising the bad way of raising them up. It was probably because they were too young to know the difference between wrong and right.

Well that obviously changed one day which lead them to their escape.

He remembers the morning he woke and they weren't in their room. Ever since then, five years ago, he's been on the search just to find them. He didn't want to hurt he would never think of something like that. He wants, no needs to know why they left him without a reason. Without a goodbye.

At first he just missed them, he missed them a lot. It wasn't just him it was everyone who were connected to the two. But after a period time all this missing turned into hatred, a lot of hatred.

"Find them."


The next day

"Okay so we have a mission next week." Once again they all gathered in the meeting room for obvious reason. Johnny, the mission planner, was the one holding the meeting tonight which is why he is standing at the very front of the table.

"We'll be attending the casino not that far away from here." Lucy and Chen nodded gathering short but useful information they just received.

"It's not a very big mission but all of us do need to attend it." Johnny waited for the next slide to appear so he could explain the layout of the building.

"Who are we even gathering information on?" Haechan raised the question.

Johnny made eye contact with Taeyong as he was hesitant to tell them who the other gang is. Taeyong nodded his head so Johnny knew he was allowed to speak on it. He was still a bit hesitant as he looked over at the girls before he spoke.


Just that single word made the group turn their heads towards the girl who still had their eyes focused on Johnny.

"Carry on." Chen said.

"Are you not bothered about it?" Yuta asked.

"She said carry on." Jaehyun spoke up.

"Okay so me and Taeyong have actually been keeping an eye on them for a really long time because we think that they are gonna attack the next formal ball."

"I thought underground gangs weren't allowed in?" Lucy asked.

"They somehow got accepted." Taeyong said. "We don't actually know what they are up to."

"Anyways, the mission wil be held at a casino so we need to get out gambling spirits up. When I say we I simply mean Lucy and Yuta." Lucy already knows how to gamble from young age due to being part of Gunshot, it was a skill they had to learn and it was a skill she could finally use. "I will be giving everyone their roles later on."

Johnny proceeded with the meeting without any interruptions. But the two girls had their thoughts packed. They were all over the place. Well planning against your own previous gang isn't something any gang member would wish for. But that doesn't bother them since they are in a different gang now, right?

"Any question or does anyone have anything to say before I tell everyone their roles?" Johnny said bringing the two girls out of their thoughts.

"Sechan won't attend that day." Lucy said.

"How do you know?" Lucy looked over at Doyoung, who was the one who raised the question.

"They only go to casinos for missions, Sechan doesn't do missions." Lucy simply explained, honestly that was all there was to say.


"They don't class dealing drug as a mission no matter how dangerous it can get." Lucy cut Taeil off.

"Okay, I will start with the roles then." Johnny said pointing at the whiteboard, where the map of the casino was still on.

"As I said earlier, Yuta and Lucy will be our gambling duo for the night." Lucy was fine with this so she nodded and Johnny continued. "Taeil and Doyoung will stay in the van as they will be our eyes for the mission like usual. Jungwoo and Sicheng will be our snipers for something was to happen and someone escapes. Mark and Haechan will be security for the night, don't worry I've already got everything sorted. Taeyong will be a dealer for one of the gambling games and so will I, but we hosting the one you two are playing. And lastly, Chen and Jaehyun are our bartenders. Doyoung and Taeil will tell you what needs to happen when you get there, you two will also be the ones who leave earlier than us."

took me long enough but finally everything is finally starting

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