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3rd Person PoV

"Okay you two didn't tell us that the place was at the other side of the city." The four finally arrived back to the base as it was already getting a bit dark.

As they walked towards the living room they were greeted by the rest of the members who were all spread out in the said room. All eyes were actually fixed on the four as they joined the rest in the room.

"Where did the four of you go to without telling any of us?" Taeyong asked. The four glanced at the each other before looking back at the leader who had a very serious expression plastered in his face.

Without saying anything Chen got up and pulled the hem of her shirt up a bit and pulled her her jeans the slightest down to reveal her new tattoo.

"It's pretty right?" She asked looking around the three behind chocked up their laugh as they watched everyone's face as she revealed her tattoo.

"Did you have to get it there?"

"They said I could get it anywhere." She fixed back her clothes and saw back down. "It's just above my underwear."

"Mine is behind my ear don't worry about it." Lucy quickly said when they all turned their heads to her.

"At least you four weren't out for something dumb." Taeyong said before leaving the living room.

"He was just worried if you couldn't tell." Doyoung chuckled before following his leaders lead.

"Come on fruit ninja I want to watch you train." Haechan said as he got up from the couch and Lucy followed him as she jokingly punched him on the shoulder. "What the fuck! That actually hurt!"

It was just Jaehyun and Chen in the living room. She moved over to him as she was at the other side of the room. "Do you like my new tattoo?" She asked as she placed herself next to him.

"It's just like everyone else's." Jaehyun answered her as he faced the tv he just turned on. "Nothing special."

"Aww come on, I think it's quite cute." She said as she got up and stood in front of him showing him the tattoo again.

"Pull your shirt back down!" Jaehyun spat as he pulled down her shirt, pulling her back down at the same time.

"Jeez no need to get so aggressive." Chen said as she sat down properly. "Just say you were flustered."

"Shut it."

"Okay I need you two stay in the building tomorrow night." Johnny said looking at their best snipers, Jungwoo and Sicheng. Not all the members were currently in the meeting as there wasn't a that much of a change from the original plan. "But Yuta will drive you two there a few hours beforehand so you can set up your stuff." The two nodded before Johnny turned his back to them to look at the screen. 

"What about the girls?" Jungwoo raised the question. "I mean I know they said they wanted to go and that they are officially part of the gang but, don't you think it's still a bit to risky?"

"Taeyong told me when they are doing the announcement of new added members, that their names won't be mentioned. But it will be announced publicly." Johnny said as he saw their leader walk into the room.

"Sechan is planning to attack the higher ups." Taeyong suddenly announced catching the other three of guards. "Get the rest in here so we can discuss this." He said as he sat down in he usual seat.

Instead of making the younger two go around collecting everyone, Johnny decided the press the emergency which did alert everyone as they all arrived in the room in a matter of one or two minutes.

"What the hell?! We were in the middle of training!" Lucy said as she walked in with a sweaty Haechan behind her, the two were the last once to return.

"It's important so just sit you can back after this." Johnny said before he sat down next to Taeyong letting him lead the short meeting.

"Sechan and his gang are planning to attack the higher ups." Taeyong said and was then greeted with silence. "I don't know when this attack is going to happen but we'll hopefully find out more tomorrow."

"How did you find out?" Doyoung asked.

"Me and Yuta went out not that long ago and we overheard some of Sechan's men talking about it."

"I guess he's doing this for more power." Mark said which the rest just responded with nods as they already knew that he was money hungry especially Lucy and Chen.

"He's going to have a lot of back up if he wants to do that." Jaehyun said. "And we aren't enough to stop him like that."

"He doesn't use back up." Chen said. "The members in Gunshot are trained to know how to cover a large area despite the lack of members."

"He does that with speed training by the way, they get around quicker like that." Lucy said as she noticed the confused faces around them.

"Is that why you two are so quick?" The two nodded before leaning back in their seats as they didn't have anything else to say.

"Okay that is it for now, the party is tomorrow so get some rest okay." Taeyong said as he got up from his seat. "You two can continue your training for one more and then you need to rest. I can't be having you two with sore muscles tomorrow.

had to add some interaction for my loveline

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