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It's been a few days since everything happened that day and now they're all safe at the base where they were all currently sat in the living room.

"It's last minute I don't get why we're going!"

"I already told you! It's a celebration for us." Doyoung said pulling her up from her seat. He's been trying to get her to leave with him so they could go dress shopping. "They literally started organising this as soon as Taeyong told them."

"But that means more dress shopping!"

"Johnny already bought us a few dresses we just need to pick one." Lucy said joining in on the conversation. "Come on man. You know it's going to take us a while."

"Where is he?" Chen asked pulling herself away from Doyoung. "Upstairs, so come on."

"Okay what about this one?"Johnny held up a red satin dress with spaghetti straps, standing in front of Chen who just lazy looked at the dress. "It's different from what you used to wear."

"It's pretty." Johnny watched the girl stare at the red dress finally happy that she decided on the dress he chose for her. "Can you cut my hair?"

"But your long hair." Johnny said running his fingers through her black locks. "Are you sure?" Chen nodded her head being very firm with her decision. "Okay, shoulder length?"

"I think it will go well with the red dress." Jungwoo said walking in with Lucy behind him.

"Do you like my dress?" Lucy spun around in her navy blue fitted dress. It was similar to the one Chen chose but still perfectly fitted for her. "Of course you do. But yeah definitely cut your hair."

"We have a good few hours before the party so I can cut it and re-dye it black." Johnny looked down to Chen. "Is that okay?"

"Can we dye your hair?"

"My hair?!" Both Jungwoo and Johnny said at the same time.

"Yeah, Johnny's hair is going to be a dark brown and Jungwoo will go ginger." Lucy said touched Jungwoo's hair.

"We're fine with that."

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Lucy looked at Chen who was putting her earrings in. Lucy has been wanting to ask her that question ever since the two had that mini conversation with Taeyong.

"I mean with the whole Sechan situation?" She watched Chen stiffen so she knows that she's right about what she was thinking. "You're not." Lucy whispered.

"I am doing better than I thought I would be doing." She said facing Lucy. "And I think that's okay."

"That is better. I was just worried cause you seemed out of it." Lucy got up making her way over to Chen. "You are even avoiding Jaehyun."

"I'm not avoiding him because of that, I have my own reasons for that." Lucy looked at the girl in front of her with a confused expression until it eventually hit her.

"Accept your feelings for him!"

"I will." Chen replied calmly which did surprise Lucy. But the girl started smiling at the elder as she realised that she had changed and started accepting the changes around them. "Tonight at the party."

"Come on let's get dressed, we have like a bit over an hour left."

"Why are we ready before them?" The two girls were stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the rest of the boys to come downstairs.

"Oh shut it, we're here." Upon hearing the voice at the top of the stairs. "We didn't even take that long."

"Yes you did." Lucy snapped back at Haechan who was walk down with Jungwoo and Mark next to him. They were already aware that it would be just the five of them leaving first as the others had something to do so they will be joining them later.

"Where did the others even go too?" Lucy asked.

"We actually don't know, they never tell us things." Mark said picking up the car keys and leading the way to his car as he was the one driving them tonight. "But let's get going its your party anyways."

"Just start the car and let's go." Mark did as he was told and soon enough the five of them were heading over to the venue.

Surprisingly enough, the ride felt like a road trip as they had completely forgotten about the event that was happening for them. They felt like normal young adults enjoying life like they were never part of a gang, risking their lives. 

"Hey, we're here." Jungwoo said as he noticed the venue coming closer and closer. Mark was lucky enough to find an empty parking spot for them that was close enough to the entrance.

They all got out of the car and made their way into the venue, greeting people on the way. Even though they are very familiar with the place, it felt different today it was like it was more than just a party organised for the two girls and nct themselves. But then again it could simply be because there are more people than normal.

"How did they get here before us?" Jungwoo pointed at the table not that far away from them which was crowded with the rest of the members.

"Let's just go and join them."

A good few hours has passed since the party actually kicked off. Not that much as happened in that space of time only the fact that it was finally publicly announced that Chen and Lucy were the two new members who joined nct and that they still the highest ranking gang among everyone.

"Hey." Chen was currently on one of the balconies on the second floor when she heard a a familiar voice coming from behind her. She already knew who it was but still turned around to come face to face with him before looking back out to the back garden.

"Let me guess Lucy told you I was here?"

"It was actually Johnny this time." Jaehyun came close to enough for him to stand next to her on the balcony. "Can I tell you something?" He asked looking at her a she didn't break away from the view in front of her. She simply nodded giving him permission to carry on. "I like you, as in girlfriend like."

"I know." She said as she scoffed finally looking at him. "I like you to so it's okay."


this book is actually completed I swear it feels so weird completing a book cuz I wont ever right in it again. but I really did enjoy writing this book and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. :)))
well until I see some of you (well I hope) in my other future books LOVE ALL OF YOU <333333

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