Talking With Yourself Method.

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You are going to the place where you are going to sleep, be it your bed, armchair, floor, etc.
It doesn't matter what position you sleep in.

You will set the intention that you want and you will wake up in your rd.
Example: "my intention is to awaken in my rd, in my hogwarts room"

You have to be very clear about that intention in your little head.

Now you're going to start talking to yourself, or if you have a stuffed animal ora pillow, the more comfortable you feel, imagine, visualize that it's a person from your rd, someone important.

You can talk to him about the things he's going to do when you get to your hr, what you're planning, you can talk about someone, your family, who you like, your friends, things like that.
The idea is that everything you talk about excites you, fills you with positive thoughts and emotions.

You will talk until you fall asleep and you must wake up in your RD.

This is a sleeping method and works a lot for people who can't visualize very well and who talk a lot, hshs.

Good luck to go home 🌱

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