3) The Party

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Hakuna Ma' Vodka

It means no memories for the rest of your night.

Message me for questions.

Twitter - daverielle

Gmail - daverielle23@gmail.com

Question: What do you look forward in the story?

The Party


I hear the music blasting loudly when I open my door. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by teenagers yelling, "Welcome back Emily!!!"

I made a short speech before drowning a drink. Everyone cheered. Now that's how you start one of my parties. People (who I don't know) hugged me or introducing themselves. I saw Dan with a couple of boys who I recognized as Percy, Brody, and Landon. Dan spotted me coming towards them and waved. They turned their attention to me before we exchanged greetings.

"Percy, Brody, Landon, nice to see you again." smirking at them.

"Emily!!!" they yelled running to me opening their arms.

"NO HUGS!" raising my hands to stop them.

"But you always like hugs." Percy complained.

"Well, I feel uncomfortable when people touch me these days." I stated.

'She became more mature." Dan said. "But she is still the old Carol."

"Yup. Now lets stop talking and party!!!"

"Let's hit the pool first."Brody exclaim.

"But I'm not wearing any swimsuit." I stated.


"So I can't swim. My shirt is a see through shirt if your blind."

"Since when do you care people can see your bra."

"Yeah you always wear over sized shirts and underwear when your in the house." Landon said.

"Loosen up a little bit sis'. Have fun for one night only." Dan said giving me a puppy face which I can't resist since I love puppies. and he look terribly cute.

"Fine." I said huffing. We head over to the pool that is already filled with people. Even though I'm not wearing any swimsuit, I decided to have fun just for tonight. Tonight only. I took a deep breath and jumped into the pool. Everyone screamed before some of them decided to jump in also. Some boys whistled as my bra became visible.

As soon I got out of the pool, ended up under the water again. I reached the surface to see Percy standing on the edge reaching his hand out to me smirking. "Your dead meat." I snarled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the pool with me then pushed his little head down. When he came to the surface he smiled at me. Not a friendly smile but a smile that says you better run. So I quickly swam but he grabbed my feet and headed to the shallow end.

One thing you should know, I'm not the best swimmer in town. I grabbed onto if I do not want to drown. "Get me out of the pool Percy!"

"No can do madam."

"I'm not joking right now. Please get me out of here!" He just laughed before he let go of me. "Percy! Percy! Please help me!"

I flailed my arms trying to swim. Before my head went underwater, he pulled me up. "You mother fucker, I could have died in my own party!" I yelled hitting his head.

"OK stop. Just stop. You hit so hard. Stop." He put his hands defensively on his head.

"You deserve it bitch."


"Apology not accepted." I said as I got out of the pool.

"I'll buy you Kit Kats." He offered.

"I stopped and turned around to look at him," Which one?"

"King Size"

"How many?" I asked.




"5" I raised my eyebrows.

"15" He offered.

"Deal?" I stuck my hand out.

"Deal." He shook my hand. When he realized what he did he said, "Wait what!? No. No deal"

"Too bad you shook on it." That's how trick someone and how to you win me over. I love Kit Kat so much, it was my weakness. Don't hate people, I don't like haters even if I'm one of them. Kit Kat for life! Who agrees with me?


I got out of my room with fully clean and dry clothes. I grab a Coke from the cooler before heading in the living room. I'm not a fan of beer. I don't like the smell. I smell things that are digestible before eating them.That's how I know if there good or bad. If they smell bad they taste bad. If they smell good they taste good. This is what I do before I eat things.

I stayed in the living room watching football, when my phone rang. I look at the caller I.D. and it read Viviana. I went inside the library and look around if it was occupied. I look at my phone and hit the accept call button thing whatever you call those button things.

"Hello" I answered.

"Em! How you doin' livin' back at home." Viviana greeted.

"Viv! So great to see you again or talk to again. How's life in New York?"

"Pretty busy as always. I'm livin' in the Big Apple city, what do you expect?"

"But you always have time to call me."

"Yup. What are you doin' right now?"

"Dan throwed a Welcome Back party for me. The truth is I'm having fun right now."

"It's great you're having fun. Are you being the old Em right now?"

"Only for today."

"You should be old Em everyday. Ever since your break up with him you kind a evolve to a new person."

"I just don't want to get hurt again. It was too painful. I won't let my walls fall down that easy again."

"I gotta go to sleep now. TTYL. Luv ya."

"Love you too Viv." I put my phone back inside my bra. Don't judge me. Someone might kidnap me and I could call 911 so they track my phone down and put them behind the bars.

The night is still young, so for the next hour, the party is still continuing without an ending. Every party that me and my brother throws last long. The longest is two days straight. I was in the middle of spin the bottle when some yelling and crashes where heard in the backyard. I rushed outside were a lot of people, who was just standing there, watching my brother punching someone and yelling "Get out of here!"

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