22) Christmas Vacation ll

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2 more chaps left!!! Woo hoo!!! - 7//15

Give me an E, N, J, O, Y!!! ENJOY!!!

I hate boys. Boys are just damn too hard to talk to. They are hard headed. They are a lying, egotistical, cheaters. Wanna know why. The day after Rick told me he likes me, I saw him sticking his tongue down some girl's throat! I should've expected it. Ken did lie too when he said he loved me. Of course I was young and believed him. Then, bam! He was abusing me. Rick was doing the same, except emotionally. 

I don't even know why I care. It's not like we're in a relationship or what not. Ugh. I'm so confused!

I'll just move on again and ignore him. Swipe all the feelings away for him and enjoy my vacation. Its a vacation. Vacation is when you relax and not thinking about your worries and problem. That is what I will do.

I put on my red bikini and headed towards the beach. The beach is not that packed than I expected. The waves hit the shore as seagulls dive towards the water. People chattering around me as I walked towards the water. I sat on the white sand as water clash against my body. I stood up and swam into the ocean. The farther I went, the more calmer the waves are.

I float on my back as the waves calm me. The water always calm me whenever I'm angry, sad, depressed. It just washes away the negativity inside my body.


I gathered up my courage and walked over to Rick.

"Hey Rick."

"Hey Em." He smiled at me.

"Can I talk to you for a second."

"Sure. What do you want to talk about."

"I don't think we can date." That wiped his smile off his face.

"What!? Why?"

"I don't think I'm ready to date yet."

"Please. Give me a chance." I already gave you a chance.

"Look, Rick. I don't like you that way. I hope you understand." With that I left a confused and shocked Rick.

He will never get my heart anymore, 'cause he already left it behind.

It is short!!! I know!!!

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