Self Harming

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At school, I have a friend who harms herself (cuts herself) because she thinks that she has no reason to stand on Earth. I told her, she is wrong. Everyone is put on this planet for something. Either to be someone's friend, changing the world for good, making a difference or just living a life.

She said, she wants to kill herself. She wants to kill herself because she hates the world. No one is there for her.

Except me.

I told her, "Don't kill yourself. You still have a life ahead of you. Just fix your problems and live happy. Don't die sad. Don't die in pain."

She sees me as her only true sister. Even though we look alike and we look like twins, she sees me as her only family and friend. Her parents are not there for her she says. I don't believe her though. She made me promise to always be her friend and I will be always be her friend.

"I cut myself on my wrist and on my legs" she says. I asked why. "It feels good. It hurts, but I like it." She responded. I asked her how many cuts. She says "5."

I also told her, "I'm not going to stop you from cutting yourself. It's your choice whether you want to stop or not. But I am going to convince you not to kill yourself and if I have to, I will stop you from killing yourself."

"You're perfect. You have good grades, you're good in athletics, you have friends and everyone likes you." She said to me.

"I'm not perfect, trust me."

"Yes you are." She said.

"I'm good in athletics because I work hard. I have good grades because I study. I also got my first hundred in major grades in World Cultures and everybody doesn't like me. Some people don't like me. (Name) doesn't like me. He finds me annoying. I find him annoying too."


I know this isn't my story to tell, but I just want to stop people who self harm themselves. If you can't stop, find someone to help you. As I told my friend, you don't want sad. You don't want to die in pain. You want to die in happiness. Die for someone you love. Die in peace. Make amends or seek forgiveness so you don't die guilty and sorrow. Die until you're ready to go.

For those who harm themselves, if you think no one is there for you, think again. No one is perfect. No one is a mistake. Don't focus on small things. Focus on what makes you happy. Be yourself. Someone is there for you and be there for someone. Help your friends to stop hurting themselves or even yourself. Don't hurt yourself even more. If you can't stop, let someone who's willing to or ask someone.

We all live in the world for a reason. Some people just don't see it.

Don't Die, Live Happy.

- Daverielle_23 (Patato)

Sorry this is not a chap. The chap will be posted soon. Stay tuned.

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