6) Queen Bee

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend CRR4903 for giving me an idea for the this chapter. So to all Logan Lerman fans or Percy Jackson, including CRR4903 and Percys_Blue_Cookie , I posted a pic of Logan Lerman saying...

"Whatever it is you think I did, I DIDN'T DO IT."

Favorite song of the day - I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. You can listen to the song up above or on the side.

A quick shoutout to all people who supports the book and continuing reading the book.

Finished reading Nerd of the Year and I think its AWESOME!!!!! There are also werewolves in the story. - Feb. 26, 2015

Queen Bee


I got out of the car the next day after the pep rally. People congratulated me or even greeted me when they see me in the hallway. As I was opening my locker, a perfectly, manicured hand closed it with a bang. I looked to see who closed it and I came face-to-face with Pearl. Pearl Hudgens the Queen Bee of Lila Kay High School.

"Nice shirt you wearing. Where did you get it from?" She asked. I look down at my outfit that I pick out this morning. I was wearing a shirt that says Abercrombie and ripped jeans. Is she that dumb?

"Why thank you. To answer your question I got this from Abercrombie because it says right here 'Abercrombie'" I said in a monotone voice. From the look on her face, I guess she wasn't expecting that.

"Oh silly me. Anyways, I came here to ask you if you would like to join me and my friends for lunch."

"No thanks. I'm fine sitting under the tree. It stinks inside the cafeteria." Yesterday, I walked into the cafeteria only to be greeted by a horrible stench. I decided to eat my lunch outside instead.

"Is it ok we sit with you?" She asked. This girl is annoying me now.

"If you're ok sitting on the grass then sure."

"Um... ok." She squeaked. I can tell she is not happy with that decision. Oh well, she had to see it coming.


I was sitting under the tree when I saw a blonde hair sticking out. She saw me and I waved her over.

"Emily, meet my friends. Lollipop, Candy and Choco." Pointing to her friends.

"Is that their real names?"

"No. Those are nicknames except for Candy. That's her real name. My name is Claire, but you can call me Choco too." A girl said with straight brown hair cascading down her back, her light blue eyes shining. She was wearing a pink tank top with a matching pink cardigan and black leggings. She finished it off with boots and earrings. I give her an 8.5 for her outfit.

"My name is Candy and I totally love your flats." She said with a high pitched voice. She was wearing the opposite of what Claire, Choco, was wearing. There is just one word to describe her outfit, skimpy.

"And I'm Lollipop but my real name is Poppy." She also had a lollipop sticking out of her mouth. As I analyzed her choice of fashion, I saw that she was wearing normal clothes. I can't even see pink anywhere on her clothes.

"I'm glad you're here." I said after they finished introducing themselves. "Now, lets it lunch shall we." I patted the space next to me.

"Can we sit somewhere else? Somewhere where there is no grass?" Pearl asked.

"I feel comfortable here. You can sit somewhere else if you like." I replied.

"No, no. It's ok. We can sit here. Right girls?" They all nodded. They reluctantly sat down. It was awkward at first. Then they started to gossip about the latest news to latest clothes. I spaced out a bit, eating my lunch, when I heard a squeal.


"Rick is heading this way!" Pearl yelled. They all fixed their shirt.

"I knew I should have worn something pretty today." Poppy muttered putting make up on along with the other girls.

"Look Dex and Hex are with him." So the other guy is Hex and I'm guessing their twins too. I can see why their mother named them that because all they want to do is have s3x. That makes sense.

"Hi girls." Dex said.

"Hi Dex." They purred.

Why don't we go somewhere else ladies. Rick wants to talk to Emily real quick." Hex said leading them inside the building.

Once they were out of view, Rick said "Long time no see Emily. It's been a while since I saw you."

"Same to you as well Rick." I replied. "Why do you want to talk to me?"

"I just want to say hi that's all." Stealing some chips.

"Spill it."

"Spill what out? The chips?" he asked dumbly.

"You want to talk to me for a reason unless you just want my chips." I said covering my chips.

"Fine. Did anyone ask you yet to the Halloween dance party?" I just remembered that the school will be hosting a Halloween party.

"No. Why?"

"Do you want go to the party with me?" He asked. Why would he be asking me this? He could ask any girl he wants and yet he picked me. As I was about to give him my answer, the school bell rang ending the lunch period.

"So what's your answer?" I got up from the ground and gave him my answer.


I always wanted to end my story in a cliffhanger.

What do you think her answer is?

Once again, I dedicate this chapter to CRR4903 and I hope you like the pic of Logan Lerman.

Next chapter will be about me. I thought you guys should know a little about me. I will be also including what is going on in my life IF your interested.

Thx 4 reading. I really mean it...


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