8) Shopping Spree

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Just by looking at the titl, you already know what this chap is about. SHOPPING!

Picture of Emily's costume on the side or on the top.

Question: Who hates shopping? Me

Happy Reading!!!


The doorbell rang as I headed downstairs. I opened the door to only reveal Kris and Kate with their famous Ray Bans on their heads. “Hello ladies.”

“Salutations.” They both greeted.

“What’s with the weird greeting?”

“We just watch Charlotte’s Web” Kate said “and Kris cried when Charlotte died.”

“It gets me every time! It’s just too sad.” Kris replied.

“What are you guys doing here anyways?”

“We’re going shoppin’ for the Halloween dance."

 “I don’t need to shop for more clothes. I already got a closet full of them.”

“A closet full of costumes?” Kris raises an eyebrow.

“Maybe not that.”

“Then let’s go shoppin’ with my awesome, fantastical credit card.” She waves her credit card in our face.

“What costume are you girls going to buy?” Kate asked putting her seatbelt on as she takes the front seat. “I’m going to go as Little Red Riding Hood.”

“I’m going to look what kind of Princess costume they sell.” Kris said parking the car. “What about you Em?”

I thought for a while, “I’ll probably be a witch.”

“Let’s go to T-Costume Shop.” Kris said dragging me and Kate.

As we enter the shop, you could see many types of costume for any types of events. Cat, Batman, Superman, Prince, Cinderella, Werewolf, etc… We decided to split up and meet in the dressing room after. I searched through a rack full of witch’s costume.

In the end, I ended up with the Wicked Witch of The West witch costume. I saw Kate holding her costume while texting someone. She looked up from her phone, gave me a smile then looked back down again. Suddenly, Kris came carrying loads of different types of Princess costumes. She had Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Ariel, Rapunzel, Aurora, Tiana and Jasmine. Kate looked up from her phone and saw Kris. “This might be a long shopping day.” She muttered. I couldn’t help and agree with her.

*after 3 hours of torturous shopping*

I fall on my bed as Kate landed on the floor. Usually 3 hours of shopping isn’t bad enough for me, but if you bring Kris along, it’s a pain. Literally. Me and Kate bought the costumes we tried on and Kris finally picked a costume which was the Cinderella along with the glass slippers. I also bought a broom stick to match the costume and green mascara. I then decided to match it with black heels.

For Kate, her costume was the normal Little Red Riding Hood costume with the cape and all. Especially the basket. She is also going to wear black heels. Now Kris Cinderella costume is similar to Elsa’s Frozen’s dress with the snow and stuff. The only difference is that there is no snow and has no cape.

We plan to meet in my house again to do our makeup and hair. Then the boys, Dan, Percy, Brody, and Landon, will escort us to the dance in two cars. Me, Dan and Landon on one car and the others in Percy’s car.

I put the dresses safely in my closet as the girls stayed over for the night.


This chap is a little bit shorter than the rest and when I mean a little bit, I mean 523 words. Hope this was enough to get the idea for the chap. Basically, the title just tells you what is going to happen. I'll tell you what is going to happen in the next chap though...

You'll find out soon on the next chap.

Stay tuned for more A Party To Remeber.

Peace Out!!!

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