7) Dare Me

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Yellow everyone, another chapter! Yay!

If a boy ever tell you a pick up line, here is what you say.

Anti - Pick Up Lines

Boy: Can I buy you a drink?

Girl: Actually, I'd rather have the money.

B: Will you go out with me this Saturday?

G: Sorry, I'm having a headache this weekend.

B: Go on. Don't be shy. Ask me out.

G: OK. Go out.

B: I think I could make you very happy.

G: Why? Are you leaving?

B: Where have you been all your life?

G: Hiding from you.

B: Haven't I seen you some place before?

G: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.

Blue - Marina and The Diamonds

Question: What was Emily's answer? Yes or No? Answer will be on the next or 2 chapters.

Dare Me


I was listening to Eye Makeup by Wild Moccasins when a knock came from the door.

"You wanna be our guest star for today's Dare Me video?" Percy asked.

"You're still making videos?"

"No. We're riding unicorns." He said sarcastically.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's ride unicorns." playing along.

"Do you want to or not?"

"Riding unicorns? Of course I want to."

"No dumbnut, being our guest star for the video since your back."

"Ok. Meet you down in 5."

*fast forward*

I headed down the kitchen where they usually video. "Good afternoon everyone." I greeted.

"Hello." They said in sync.

"Emily would you turn on my laptop?" asked Dan.

"Sure." I grabbed his laptop turning it on. "Where's Rick?" Changing his social status on Facebook. Everyone stopped.

"Quit." Brody said.


"Let's don't talk about him right now. We got a video to make." Landon said with disgust and rage as he said him.

"Ok, ok. What's the dare today and who's going to do it?"

"Actually, since your our guest star, you have to do the dare." Landon smirked.

"Stop changing my status and check Dare Number 20." Dan said without looking at me. I swear he has some magic powers everytime I prank him or scare him.

"Fine." I huffed. I got off Facebook and scrolled down the Dare Me website. I searched for Dare Number 20, it said "I, Vanessa, dare the guest star to sing any song of his/her choice and post it on Youtube." This will be too easy. I already got the song I'm gonna sing.

"This dare will be to easy."

"What do you have to do?" asked Percy.

"Sing a song of my choice."

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