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New book(s) after this story. Check out Her Protector after its publish, which is when the last chap of this book. Quick bio: Short Story. One chap. Not a Divergent Fan Fic. Paranormal.

Her Protector is now published - 7/5/15

After that book, I will post another book, which is already planned and more detailed than this book. It is called Dreams Do Come True. Another paranormal story.

Dreams Do Come True is also published - 7/5/15

Also, me and my friend, disfuncti0nl, are writing a book together called, Coincidental Friendship. It will also be out, but I don't know when. Check out her other current book though.

Party News:

Book is ALMOST finished. Finally!!! 3 more chaps left, maybe... I think. Oh well.

Well, that's all the NEWS I think of for right now. The next chap will be posted soon. Read it if your still reading.

- 7/17/15

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