13) Nightmare or Dream?

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I walked through the aisle buying all kinds of chocolate. "Hersheys, check. M&M's, check, Babe Ruth, check. Nutella, Toblerone, Twix, Lindor, Crunch and Reese, all check." I mumbled to myself. "Now where is the Kit Kat?"

I saw the red wrapper sticking out at the end of the aisle. I grabbed 5 more of them. Realizing there is only one more left, I decided to take it too. Before I can touch it, another hand comes and grabbed it. That hand hand took the Kit Kat! I grabbed the hand and plucked the Kit Kat out. I quickly put it on my basket protecting my chocolates.

I looked up to see an amused face. "If you wanted the chocolate so badly, you could have asked me." He said.

I looked down at my shoes and said sheepishly, "Sorry. I just love chocolate."

"I could see that." he said looking at my basket. "I'm Ken by the way."

"Oh. What a coincidence. I'm Barbie." I said trying not to laugh.

"You are!" he said looking a little bit shocked. "Well, Barbie... Nice meeting you."

I laughed out loud that he actually believed me. People around looked at me weirdly. When he finally noticed why I was laughing, he looked a little bit embarrassed. "So what is your name. Your real name."

"Why should I tell you? You are categorized as a stranger to me. Well, see you later Ken. Hope we meet again." I called out as I walked towards the counter to pay for my chocolates.

When I looked back, everyone started to disappear. I was confused for a moment before Ken appeared again.

He started punching me in my stomach, but not feeling any pain. I fell unto my knees and he started kicking. A bat came out of nowhere and he started beating me with it. I begged him to stop as I curl myself into a ball. Ken slapped me across the face probably leaving a mark or even a bruise. He yelled in my face and sometimes spit in my face. His spit burned my skin as I scream my lungs out. Chains appeared around my wrist pulling me against an invisible wall. Ken ripped my clothes off until nothing is left on me. He pulled down his pants and boxers as he moved closer. I kicked and scream trying to push him away from me. He didn't seem affected by my actions as he went inside. The pain was still there after he finished. The chains disappeared and I fell into a hole of darkness.

He came back with a warm look. Ken hugged me like nothing happened. He said sweet things in my ears, the words I fell for before. Now, I am disgusted by him and try to stay as far as possible from him. I wished I had never met him. I wish I never talked to him. I wish he never existed.

I woke up in my bed, sweat dripping from my forehead. My heart is racing like I had run away from a hungry tiger. My hands are sticky as I lay in my bed, trying to forget what just happened. I had stopped dreaming about him long time ago and now I'm dreaming about it again.

I tried sleeping back again but those dreams, nightmares I suppose, were still haunting me. Its been two years since I've seen him. I don't know what will happen if I come across him again. Bright lights filled my room. I got out of bed watching the sunrise. Beautiful, I thought.

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