16) Carnival Part ll

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Hi! I feel like saying hi. So, hi!

Read the book Torn. It is a great book, written by my friend, Picture_Dragons. She also make covers. Go check out her profile. Read the book Torn!!!

Question: Who has seen The Maze Runner?

"Let's ride the Ferris Wheel." Kris said.

"Let's not." Kate said.

"We can ride it later." I said not wanting them to start fighting.

"Ooh. Let's go in the Maze Runner." Kate suddenly said.

We all look at the maze, which actually says Maze Runner. Vines are hanging from the walls like in the movie and those spider/scorpion thing hanging by the entrance. Which was totally fake. Right? We paid the entrance fee as creepy music plays. Screams were heard in the maze.

"I feel like were in the movie." I said.

"You guys better not leave me when one of those Grievers comes by. OK?" said Kris hugging Kate tightly. Grievers! That's what they're called.

"Don't worry. We will..." I stretch the word longer as I heard a sound of metals clashing towards us. We stopped in our tracks looking straight at one of those Grievers.

"Oh..." said Kate.

"My..." continued Kris.

"Chocolates." I finished.

Then, that horrible looking thing, screeched at us. We screamed back at it. We quickly dash through the walls like a mad woman trying to get away from it. I stopped to catch my breath only realizing, I was alone. So much for sticking together. I continued to find the exit out of this maze, if I can, and avoid any Grievers.

I looked behind me for safety, before I bumped into something hard. I screamed for my life as I said a quick prayer. I'm sorry for what I have done to my brother. It was only a mean prank. I didn't mean to put tampons in his bag and changed his shampoo into vinegar. I'm sorry I ever wrote in his face without him noticing it. Just don't let my death be like this.

"Em! Its OK, it's only me. Snap out of it. You're not going to die. a familiar voice said. I opened my eyes not realizing I had them closed only to see Dan's annoying face.

"You scared the blood out of me!" I screamed at him, clutching my chest. You know what? I take back everything I said.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked gesturing for me to continue walking.

"Oh. I was invited to perform here."

"I saw that by the way. I watch watching you sing up there. Horribly, might I add." He joked.

"Shut up. You can't even sing that good. In fact, you can't even sing." I remarked.

"Only because you never asked me."

"Only because I don't want to end up in a hospital." I mocked him. I totally burned him so bad. "Ouch. You need some heat reliever to make that burn go away?"

"I don't even need it, thank you. I can handle the pain." He act so high and mighty.

I punched him in the back. Hard. "Ah!" he screamed.

"It doesn't look like it." I smirked at him as he caress his back.

"Now you're just being a meanie." He pouted at me.

After a couple, freaky minutes, we finally found the exit. Well, the entrance actually. Suddenly, my butt vibrated. I realized it was phone and answered it.

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