14) Bar Fight

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I was in a bad mood when I wrote this so, Warning: Cuss Words Included, but they are censored or misspell, whatever you call them.



Thunder clasped over us. The rain still pounding hard against the pavement over Dan's horrible singing. I tugged his jacket tighter as I try to keep myself warm. You might be confused. Basically, long story short, the boys and i went to a bar and got kicked out, my car being towed. This week was going so well so far until Dan ruined it, as always.


I woke up with my eyes burning.

"Aaahhh!" I yelled.

"The sun!" I dramatically faked a death before blocking the sunlight with a pillow.

After laying in bed playing with my phone, I walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Manners!" I heard my Mom scream.

"Sorry." A chorus of voices apologized. I followed the noise into the kitchen revealing my mom spank the boys - Dad, Dan, Percy, Brody and Landon - on their heads.

"Mornin'!" I yelled out preparing my morning black coffee.

"Good afternoon to you too." My dad said.

"You can't have coffee at this hour dear." Mom scolded.

"I haven't had my morning coffee yet." I whined.

"Well, you should have woke up early." said Mom taking the coffee away from me.

"Well, you should let me drink my coffee Mom." I said taking the coffee back. "Cause, I can drink coffee any day and anytime, even at midnight." Sipping the coffee in front of her. I tried not to scream as it burn my tongue.

Mom left me alone indicating I won. Dad soon followed after. The boys huddled together as soon as the door closed shut. I sat in my seat drinking my coffee, scrolling through Instagram and cooking eggs at the same time. Only a pro could do that. I looked up from my phone to see the boys staring at me.

"What'dya want now?"Knowing the look they gave me..

"Why would you think that Em?" Landon asked innocently.

"Never mind then. I guess you don't need my help. I'll just eat in my room." I dramatically sighed.

Before I can move my feet, Percy said, "Fine. We need your help."

"What'cha need now and no, I won't do your laundry." Dan cursed under his breath.

"Uh... We kind a need you to be our designated driver." Landon said.

"For..." I said knowing already.

"Drink. Bar. Crazy." said Brody calmly.

"Even though I want you to be dead, I can't or else I'll get in trouble. How much do I get paid though?" If they think they can get drunk and leave me empty handed, wrong.

"50 bucks in total. Is that OK?" Dan asked.

"Each person." I said knowing they will drink their @ss#s off.

"25 each."


*In a guy's voice from Spongebob, 8 hours later*

The drunken boys were currently making out with a random chick, *cough *cough wh0r#s, or either showing their fake Id's to the bartender. I'm in the corner with my phone and headphones on. I decided to go for a classy outfit to try not to attract pervy guys. When my battery was low, me and the bartender, name Charlene, have a couple of conversations.

We were in a middle of a conversation on who was more hotter, Logan Lerman or Justin Bieber. I mean Logan Lerman is my bae and he is hot as h#ll. He is perfect. Justin Bieber is not even hot like him. Logan Lerman has a perfect face, perfect acting skills, everything about him is perfect! He even -

Wait, I'm day dreaming about him again. Anyways, me and Charlene was interrupted by a loud crash. Then, people started chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Me and Charlene stood up on the bar counter to see the fight better. I gasped and immediately jumped towards the fight. Boys, I thought. Stupid, stupid boys.

"Break it up you two or you will clean the house."I said going in between them. They immediately distance themselves when they heard my voice, but still shooting daggers to each other.

"I bet you two are drunk and if you let two drunkenly, stupid boys fight, it equals one hot, drunken mess." People started to fade away from our conversation when they saw no fight will happen any sooner.

I turned my back from them for one second and they started to fight again. I don't know what tick the other person or whatever, but I ain't the one finding out.

"Stupid @ssh0l#s." I tried to pull Dan away from Rick as I tried not to get hit. Keyword: Tried.

"Move you stupid, f^ck!ng, fat, @ssh0l#." I started to go in between them again and started to back up once I realize their a loss cause. People started chanting again, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I saw Brody, Landon and Percy, sipping their drinks and watching the fight. I sighed and decided to go and join them with Charlene. "Shoot me now." I said to her. She just laughed and went behind the counter refilling the boy's drinks.

I watch the fight continue along with many other people. Dan getting good hits on Rick and Rick doing the same. Blood dripped down their bruised faces, staining the floor. At last, a guard broke them apart and throwing them out of the bar.

"Come on boys. Bye Char." We payed our drinks and headed out. It was raining hard outside as Rick started leaving, but not before saying, "Its not my fault she doesn't like you."

I watch as Rick left and whistled, "That was a... ah... bloody fight." noticing Dan's bloody knuckles.

"Lets just go." he mumbled giving me his hoodie. I put it on without hesitation, as we all walk back to the car driving safely back home. Landon's imitation of Mario echoed through the silent night, "Lets a go!"

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