23) Our Own Way

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I lied.

This is the last chap! Woohoo!!! - 7/08/15

Remember, check on my profile to read the new story (Her Protector) I posted. It is a short story, so yeah...

 Also, check out my new other book Dreams Do Come True. Which will be posted the day after I posted Her Protector. P.S. The story will be more planned out and in detailed.

Dreams Do Come True is out! - 8/6/15

Hope you enjoy the LAST chap.

Dedicated to my BFF, shinygirl892. She LOVES Anime. Our favorite quote is, "I hate you (forever) Rin Okumura!" or "Baka, baka, baka!"


I guess fate has already set our destiny in front of us.

I never would have guess that Kris would be an architect or that Kate would be an anime producer. Her famous anime show is called Tokyo Ghoul. Dan has proposed to Sai and planning the wedding. The boys still do the videos and sometimes I take part of it. Rick. Well, Rick has stolen someone's heart, who we haven't met yet, but we were happy for him.

Me, I became a psychiatrist for teens. I wanna help teens who suffered loss, drug addiction, mental disorder, abused, and who have been raped. I'm still single though and I like being single. No dramas around.

We all enjoy what we do and we are still close as a family. Although Kate has been moving across the globe while dating Landon. Yes, Landon finally grew balls and asked her out. Landon also planned in asking her to be his girlfriend and we are all helping him out. I never saw him scared and nervous. Usually, he is always so cheery and bubbly.

I still remember all the parties we hosted and attended. But, I mostly remember the first party they hosted when I came back. Not because of the stuff I did to Dan, but because of how it change me. I could never forget that special party.

This is Emily Rama and this is my story.



The End!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope y'all enjoy A Party To Remember.

Also, I almost forget, the Coincidental Friendship me and my friend, nightcreaturess, have written together it is still a work in progress.

Wrap up:

Her Protector: Daverielle_23

Coincidental friendship: Daverielle_23 & nightcreaturess

Dreams Do Come True: Daverielle_23

Thank you for reading!!!!!

P.P.S : Her Protector is up!!!

P. P. P. S. Dreams Do Com True is out!!!

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