11) Family Dinner

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In this chap, you will get to meet Emily and Dan's parents. Don't tell Emily though. She will find out soon.

Question: Does anyone knows a great werewolf story? My stock is running low.


Player 1 wins

The TV said.

"Woohoo! I won again!" I danced around the game room while Dan sulks on the couch.

"Rematch. Rematch. Rematch." Dan said for the umpteenth time.

"Nah. I'll pass. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten yet, since someone..." glaring at Dan. "decided to drag me here when I woke up."

I went downstairs while Dan stayed in the room. I opened the fridge looking for something to devour. My eyes locked on its target. A mouth watering, tasty looking, white cheese, chicken lasagna. I got it out of the fridge, cutting out a piece.

As I was about to put the first piece in my mouth, the doorbell rang. Ugh. I quickly put the piece in my mouth. With the plate in my hand, I walked over to the front door. I took another bite of my lasagna and unlock the door. Standing on the front steps were my parents.

My parents!

I slammed the door in their faces. After I realized what I had done, I opened the door again revealing their shocked faces.

"Sorry." I said sheepishly.

"That's a nice greeting." My dad said sarcastically.

"Sorry." I said again opening the door wider for them to come in.

"Nonsense. You're just surprised to see us weren't you?" My mother said hugging me tightly while I try not to drop the plate."Your brother probably didn't tell you we were coming. That d!ckhead. I bet he's in the game room."

"Mom!" I scolded just as dad said, "Triana!"

"Oh shush you two. It's not like you haven't said that word before." Mom started climbing up the stairs probably to scare the cræp out of Dan.

"So how's my baby girl doing?" My Dad asked hugging me.

"I'm good."

"OK" He said looking around nervously. I put the plate on the counter.

"OK. So what's the real reason you came back?" putting my hand on my hip looking intimidating.

"You see... Well your Mom... Umm... Ill be right back with your mom." He said going upstairs leaving me alone. Then I heard a girly scream. Knowing my Mom would never make that noise, I bet that my "girly" brother was scared by my mom. I heard footsteps coming back down and my Mom appeared with a big smile on her face with Dad following her like a love sick puppy.

"So me and your Dad met our old high school friends. We chatted, we talked, we laughed and then I found out that they have a son." Oh no. Please don't say it. Please don't. "So I asked them if its OK if you and him could go on a friendly date." Shut the front door. She did not just say that. I asked her again just to make sure I heard her clearly and I did.

"So like another blind date?"

"I guess..." Mom trailed off.

"Dad?" I asked weakly. "Did you agree to this also?"

"I'm going to check on your brother to see if he need another pair of pants. Bye." He quickly rushed out the kitchen.

Knowing my mom won't let me say no I asked, "When is the date?"

"Tomorrow night. So you better be ready at 6:30. He'll pick you up here and rake you somewhere."

"Mom? Did I ever tell you how awesome you are? Making your daughter date some stranger. I love you so much that it just wants to make me cry." I said as sweetly as I could without adding irritation.

"Oh your welcome darling. I would do anything for my sweet daughter. I love you too." Mom said in the same tone as me.

Well time to find an outfit for tomorrow I guess. I'm so excited. Not.


Short? I know.

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