21) Christmas Vacation l

30 8 2

Question: 9 + 10 = ?

3 more chaps left!!! - 7/30/15



"Time to packkkk!" My mother screamed while singing.

"Its packing timmmmme!!!!" We sing and yelled back.

"Time to packkkk!"

"Its packing timmmmme!!!!" This is how our morning started.

We are packing for our usual Christmas vacation. We are going to Hawaii this year! This time, we can bring 2 friends with us. I'm bringing Kate and Kris. When they received the news, they both screamed and started packing a month early. Dan is bringing Rick to make up lost time they had and Sai. Lucky me! I get to spend it with them! Hope you caught my sarcasm.

Anyways, our trip will go like this:

1) We will eat at a restaurant before we go to the hotel. Our parents made sure it was a five star hotel.

2) Unpack at the hotel.

3) Pool time!!!

4) Surfing

5) Food!!!

6) Sleep!!!

7) Next Day

8) ???

I wonder what we will do after we finish this vacation. I know we are going back home for New Year's. Come to think of it, this year has pass by quickly, not like all other years have too.

I just hope everything will go smoothly and no problems. Danggit. I hope I didn't jinx it. Oh gosh.

Right now, we're in the airplane flying to Hawaii. I hate traveling in airplanes. It always makes me sick. It's too compact, not much room, no good food, etc... I wish we had ridden those airplanes with a personal bed and a small personal room. The one with a small TV and all or a private plane could have been nice.

Enough of me taking about airplanes.

"I already see some cute boys." Kris said once we landed in Hawaii.

"Of course you did." I said to her.

"Ooh. There are some cool facts in this book about Hawaii. You guys should read it" Said Kate with her face glued to a brochure.

"If it has some cute boys then I'll read it."

"As if."

"Its true."

I cut in and said, "I have to agree with Kate, you have never touched a book in your entire life."

"Does magazines count?"

"No." Me and Kate said simultaneously.

"Whatever." She says grabbing a magazine.


"Like a small ball, on the ocean. Sending big waves, into motion." I hummed. "Like how a single word, can make a heart open. I only have one match, but I can make an explosion."

Ever since the song came out, I can't stop singing the first part. "This is my fight song! Take back my life song! Prove I'm alright song! Yeah eh!" I yelled carelessly.

"Oh my gosh! I love that song so much!" A squeaky voice said.

I stifle back a groan and said, "Hi Sai. Do you like it here so far?"

She nodded and said, "Its very exotic here. There is also a big volcano I read on the tour guide. It said that it haven't erupted in years! Can you believe that!?"

"I know right!? You should explore the town. Get used to it you know." I faked enthusiasm.

"Great idea! I'll see you later!" She walked out of my room as Rick came in.

"You don't like her very much do you?" He asked.

"Hold up." I looked outside the door to see her figure getting smaller before it was out of my vision. "Yup."

"If you look past her voice and her IQ, she is actually pretty nice and chill."

"I can do that, but I can't imagine her being chill. I don't know how you fell for her, but that's your love life."

"To be honest, I actually never fell for her."

"You are so stupid then."

"Yeah, I was stupid to not man up and tell a special girl my feelings." He said looking at me.

"Just man up and tell her then." I said not realizing what he meant

"OK. I like you." He said honestly.

Me, being an oblivious fool I am said, "Don't say it like that. Plan a date or something. Be cliche and if you're nervous, you can always practice on me. Who's the girl anyway?"

"You." I turned around shocked. I felt my cheeks heat up at our distance. One more step and or nose would touch.

"Me?" I sputtered out.

"Yeah. Are you OK with that?" He asked running his hand on my arms up and down.

"Um. Maybe. No. Yes. I don't know. No?" I said unsure.

"Its OK. I got time to wait for you." With that he left me standing alone in the room.

I was planning to update early, but a couple events had come up this weekend.

1) It was my brother's birthday! Yay!

2) We went to Louisiana, 'cuz in Texas, it's illegal to gamble.

3) I was tired all week. I had a headache and my body was in pain everywhere. It was ugh.

Anyways, hope ya enjoy. :D

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