10) Halloween Dance Part ll

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Question: Can anyone inhale donuts? An orange? A skittle? Cookie? My friend can. He can even eat a burger with lettuce, bananas, mustard, ketchup and tomatoes. He eats all of this except for carrots.

I dedicate this chap to him, Percys_Blue_Cookie, because of a story he wrote and it just made me laugh. You can read the short story at the end of the chap. Thank you for making me laugh, inside my head, during class.

Kate's costume of Little Red Riding Hood on the side or top.

Check out my friend's channel on YouTube called Keeping Up With 503. It's kinda stupid and retarded but oh well.



I never really got to see what Rick's costume is. As he drive the car, I looked at him and studied him. He was wearing a cape and a sword by his side with a helmet, he was a knight. Rick looked at me and smirked. "Love my outfit dear?"

"Why a knight?" I asked.

"Why not?"

"It doesn't suit you." I simply said.

"And why is that?" he asked looking at me.

"Eyes on the road mister." I scolded. "And to answer your question, you don't look like a knight. A knight in shining armor, like in fairy tales. A monkey costume would suit you."

"A monkey suit would look horrible on me. Girls see me as their knight in shining armor."

"They must be crazy to see you as their knight in shining armor. I see you as my old childhood best friend. The one, who is always clumsy, like a monkey. The one, who always looks for trouble, like a monkey. The one, who will be my best friend always..." I said looking at him."that looks like a monkey." I finished.

"Thank you for seeing me like that. After the fight and all. The misunderstanding with your brother. Thank you for still being my best friend. Although, I do not look like a monkey." Smiling at me gratefully. I smiled back. "Look were here."

"I look out the window to see the an old, brick building of what we call school. "Shall we?" Opening the door for me.

"Why thank you." We walked inside the building hand in hand. You could already hear the music blasting from the outside. Once we got inside, it was full of students in many different costumes.

"Let's get a drink first." I said. We headed over to the drink's table. I immediately spotted Kate and Kris with their partners. After we got our drinks we head over to our friends. Dan staring at Dan with hatred remorse.

"Really Landon." looking at his wolf's costume.


"You did not just bark at me. You should make him sleep on the porch Kate." She giggled. Then our favorite song came on, Jump in the Line.

Shake, shake, shake, Señora, shake your body line.

Shake, shake, shake, Señora, shake it all the time.

Work, work, work, Señora, work your body line.

Work, work, work Señora, work it all the time.

Everyone dance in a line, shaking and singing. It's a popular song in our school. The principal even made it our theme song and plays it in school dances.

My girl's name is Señora.

I tell you friends, I adore her

And when she dances, Oh brother!

She's a hurricane in all kinds of weather.

Now everyone are shaking a maraca or two. I do not know where they even got that. Then someone gave me a maraca. We all shake it to the beat.

Jump in the line, rock your body in time.

OK, I believe you!

Jump in the line, rock your body in time.

OK, I believe you!

Jump in the line, rock your body in time.

OK, I believe you!

Jump in the line, rock your body in time.


After the song is finished, some stayed to dance more and the rest went back to their seats or something. I don't want to jinx it but, good thing there was no fight. Please don't start a fight now, I thought.

I saw Rick sitting down with Dan. They seemed to be engrossed in their conversation. I went over to them just to make sure they don't ruin the party. Rick spotted me first and replaced his frown with a smile.

"Let's dance." I said bringing him over to the dance floor.

"I really missed you when you were away." Rick said.

"I missed you too. A lot of things have changed when I was away."

"Yeah." Rick said looking uncomfortable. "Everything changed a month after you left. I think your curious why me and Dan are not friends no more."

I nodded. "Well, we got into a big argument and then we started drifting apart. Then, I left the Dare Me channel and started to fight."

"Why?" I have so may questions floating in my head. I shouldn't have left. None of this would happen and if it did, I would find a way to stop it.

"I'll tell you another time. For now, let's just enjoy the night."

We danced all night until it was time to go. Rick dropped me off back in my house. As he heads toward his car, I yelled out, "Drive safe my little monkey!" then slammed the door. I trudged upstairs, changing into my night clothes and passing out on my bed. What a night.


I just started singing the Best Song Ever when I wrote "we danced all night". I'm sorry it's so short but that's all I can do for now.

Please read!!! Warning: Random plot twist. :D

Title: IDK

By: Percys_Blue_Cookie

"Rick please!!!" She kept pounding on the door and it was giving me a headache.

"Seriously!!! Let me in!!!" She keeps yelling my name. This wasn't the first time she had done it.

"Okay look, I know I cheated but can't we please talk this out like adults!" She said over the noise of the rain.

"Talk this out!?" I opened the door and started yelling at her. "There's nothing to talk about Hannah!"

"Get over it Rick."

"Why you-"

"It's just Monopoly!"

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