9) Halloween Dance Part l

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Its already the Halloween Dance!

-insert playlist here-

Kris's costume on the side or on the top.

Question: This might be a stupid question but, what happens to the universe if potatoes actually fly around the aroom? I'm just curious.

Halloween Dance Part l


“’Cause there’s a spark in you, you just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine! Just own the night like the 4th of July! ‘Cause baby you’re a firework! Come on, show ‘em what you’re worth! Make them go oh, oh, oh. As you shoot across the sky-y-y. Baby, you’re a firework! Come on, let your colors burst. Make them go oh, oh, oh. You’re gonna leave ‘em all in awe, awe, awe.” blasted through the radio.

I was getting ready for the Halloween Dance and just as we planned, the girls strolled in my room. “Hi Em.” They greeted. I waved back at them.

“Let’s get ready for the dance.”

“I’ll do everyone’s makeup.” Kris said.

“And I’ll do the hair. Em you compliment us.” Kate said.

“Great, let me just go get our dresses then we’ll start."

*fast forward 2 hours of curling or straightening hair, applying makeup, putting on dresses, charging phones, pepper spray for emergency at hand, making adjustments, and making sure everything is perfect*

We gaze at our reflection before complimenting each other.

“You really outdid your work Kate.” I said.

“Thanks. Our makeup looks outstanding thanks to Kate.” She replied.

“Thanks fabulous. To sum it up, we look absolutely gorgeous girls.”  Kris said flipping her hair back.

“Who are your dates? You never told me.” I asked.

“Tell us who your date is then we will tell you ours.” Kris said, Kate agreeing.

“It’s Rick.” I said.

“WHAT!?” Kate yelled as Kris yelled.


“WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?” I screamed back. They were about to speak when they were interrupted by a knock. “Come in.”

Dan’s face poke in. “I heard screaming. Can I join?”


“Oh well. By the way, you all look hot especially you Kris.” He winked at her. “Em, you look Wicked.” He started snickering at his own joke before getting out.

“WHAT WAS THAT!?” I yelled at Kris.

“WHAT WAS THAT!?” She yelled back.


“She didn’t tell you yet.” Kate smirked. “Your brother is her date.”

“KATE!” Kris yelled as I yelled.


“Your brother is her date.” Kate replied. I turned to Kris who is looking down at her glass slippers.


“WE PREDICTED THE FUTURE.” She answered back.


“WHAT!?” Kris finally yelled.

“Oh before I left, me and Kate agreed that Dan will ask you out on a date or something then to have -“I was cut off by Kate.

“Babies.” She translated whatever was coming out of my mouth.

“- s6x.” I finished.

“Why would you think that?” Kris blushed.

“Girl, I could already picture you and him dating and me as an aunt.” I said.

“You did say you have a crush on him.”Kate said still smirking.

“That was before and anyways, why you are going out with Rick?”Kris said smoothly avoiding the topic.

“He asked me out during lunch and since he was the first one to ask me out, I said yes.”

“You are lucky he ask you out.” Kris said.

“How am I lucky?” I asked.

“He has breathtaking abs. Every girl digs his abs.” Kris sighed dreamily.

“Correction, most girls digs his abs.”Kate said. “I don’t see why girls drool over his abs.”

“Like you don’t drool over Landon.”Kris smirking.

I’m totally confused now. “Why would she drool over Landon?”

“’Cause Kate is Landon’s date and she might have a crush on him.”

“Hey!” screamed Kate.

“I am so far behind with the news.” I sighed taking in the new information. I was surprised that Landon even has a date and Kate having a crush on him.

“You sure are honey.”Kris said.

“Anyways, I don’t care who you date, wait that’s a lie. Let me rephrase. I don’t care who you date as long as I approve and that you like him very much. So far I approve.” I looked at the girl’s faces as relief flooded. “I just want to go to the dance and have fun dancing our *ss off.”

“Let’s go then.” Kate said linking our arms. We opened the door and walked down the staircase.

The doorbell rang and Dan yelled, “ I’ll get it!” He opened the door to only reveal Rick standing in the front steps with peonies in his hand smiling. His smile wavered as he saw Dan standing in front of him. “What are you doing in my house?” Dan said through his gritted teeth.

“It’s my house now.” I added in the background. “Hi Rick.” He waved back nervously.

“I’m Emily’s date.” He stated.

“Oh. You are. Why didn’t Emily tell this?” He asked accusingly looking at me.

“Hey! I’m younger than you. Now if we excuse us, we have a dance to attend to.” Grabbing Rick and heading out. ”Don’t break her heart or I’ll kick you out of the house. Tell that to Landon too. Just don’t break any girl’s heart. Be safe and have fun. Not too much fun though.” I winked and Kris face palms herself while Kate is shaking her head. I turned to Rick and smiled. He smiled back.

He cleared his throat and said, “These are for you.” Handing me the flowers.

“Why thank you and you remember my favorite.” Taking the flowers from him. He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn’t catch. We neared his car and as being a gentleman, he opened the passenger seat for me. I thanked him as we made our way to the dance.

 Next chap Halloween Dance Part ll

I just love Kris costume.

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