12) Blind Date

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Oh my gosh! I finally updated. This chap is my gift for not updating fast.

Question: Who has an OTP (One True Pair) in real life? It doesn't have to be you. It can be two strangers and you just ship them.

Relaxing piano music you can listen to.


I got ready for this "blind date" my parents scheduled me to, without my consent might I add. I scanned my wardrobe looking for a comfy outfit to wear. I'm used to this by now though. Every time my parents come and visit us, they always come for a reason and that reason is not to see their kids. They set me up to these kinds of dates because they quote, "You need to go out more Emily. You need to go and find yourself a boyfriend."

I was like, "Are you sh!tting me?" I don't want to go on those crvppy dates." of course I didn't say that unless I want a spanking, I just agreed to it.

I strapped my heart necklace on and started working on my make up. I looked up at the clock, realizing I only have 20 minutes till "he" picks me up. I turned on my curler and searched around the room trying to find my other flat. Forget it. I'll wear another pair. I then noticed, lying next to my curling iron is my other pair of flat. How could I be so blind! I finished curling my hair into perfect curls in record time.

Just as I was heading downstairs, the doorbell rang. Here goes nothing. I put my hand on the door knob opening it. I probably look like one of those dogs when they stick their head out the car's window. He didn't look surprise seeing me like he knew it was me 'cause standing there with glory was Rick. The one and only Rick Glory.

"Umm. Hi? What are you doing here?" I asked looking around.

"I'm your date." I slammed the front door the second time this week on someone's face. After I regained my composure I opened the door again.

"Surprise." He added weakly.

"How? What? Why?" I asked quickly.

"Your mom met my parents, then they scheduled us a date tonight, so here i am."

"Of course." I muttered softly. "You've got to be kidding me?" Rick is my friend and all but I don't want to go on a date with him. I know I went as his date on the Halloween Dance but I thought that was the last time.

"Let's get this over with." I said closing the door. "Where are we going anyways?"

"Surprise." Great! Just to make it worse I don't even know where were going. I hate not knowing where I'm going. I sat back in my seat watching the scenery change. Soon, we were in a beach. The beach was deserted except for a large boat floating next to the dock. Then it struck me.

"Were going sailing. I stated.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! We got a winner here folks!" Rick said in an announcer voice, which he failed.Then he looked at me nervously or worried, maybe even both. In a calm voice he asked, "Do you like it."

"I actually do. Thank you."I smiled gratefully.

We got out of the car and started walking towards the boat. As the boat became bigger, I saw Christmas lights hanging from the sails and railings. Rick helped me unto the boat. Now here comes the cliche part.

Calm, soothing music filled the ocean air. There was a table placed on the front deck lit in candle light. Rick pulled out a chair for me like a gentle man. He went inside the the boat cabin and returned with two plates.

"One order of spaghetti with meatballs for my lady and slightly medium rare steak with champagne for her handsome date." He said placing the spaghetti in front of me while pulling a champagne bucket.

"Why thank you for cooking this lovely steak for me." I said reaching across the table switching our plates.

We watched the beautiful sunset and the calming water rocking the boat gently. Our fantastic night continued with many laughter and tears. By ten o clock he dropped me off back at the house. Before he left, I told him it was one of the best blind date I ever had. I then kissed his cheek and his eyes seems to light up. I'm now cuddled in bed as the darkness consumes me.


Thx 4 reading.

If you want me to add more about their date, please say so.

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