5) Pep Rally

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Keep Calm and Go To The Pep Rally

Next chapter - Who Will Be Who? Pick your favorite person to be one of the characters.

Question - What kind of chocolate do you like to eat? Kit Kat and Hersheys.

As you can see, this chapter is about pep rally!!!

Gmail - daverielle23@gmail.com

Twitter - daverielle

Pep Rally


Phone ✔️
Bag ✔️
Headphone ✔️
Books ✔️
Laptop ✔️
Wallet ✔️
Folders ✔️
Car keys ✔️

Ready to go. Today is Monday and I'm heading to school in my car because Dan has football practice after school. I parked my car near the school and people stopped and stare. I got out of my car with my shades on, only to be greeted by my 2 friends, Kate and Kris who are cousins.

"Emily!!! We missed you so much."

"I missed you girls too."

"We heard you were back and we were like, Emily Rama. She's back. She's back from London." said Kate.

"At first, we didn't believe them. We had to see you with our own two eyes." Kris stated. "How was London?"

"London was lovely as always. It was so magnificent, especially when the sun sets." I replied as the bell rang. I said bye to the girls and head to my class. I asked Dan to get my schedule before I arrived. I walked inside the classroom which was barely full. I made my way at the back of the class. I took my seat in the corner near the window aaway from everybody.

The bell rang and the teacher stormed into the room with Rick and 2 other boys trailing behind him. The teacher shot them disapproving glare before taking attendance. They head over to my direction until one guy with blonde spiky hair and blue eyes said, "Excuse me little girl, but your sitting in our seats."

"This is yours? I don't see your name on it." I said dumbly looking at my seat.

"Look, we got a sassy girl right here Dex. You love them sassy girls." he said. He had the same facial feature as Dex but has green eyes.

"Hey babe, wanna go to my house later?" The boy Dex said and then he winked.

Before I could say anything, Rick cut me off saying, "Lets just sit somewhere else guys."

"C'mon dude. We were just having fun. She looks so helpless." said Dex.

"I swear you're going to regret it later."

"Whatever bro. Im -"

"Boys please take a seat while Emily introduces herself." said the teacher cutting him off. They took a seat near me while Rick was staying away from me. Good, he still remembers what I can do. I stood up from my chair glancing at Dex.

"I'm Emily Rama. As you all know, I attended this school on the first year before I moved to London." From the corner of my eye, I could see Dex and the other boy's face gone pale meaning they know me. "My family's business is the number one business around the world and I am glad to be back."

I sat back down while Dex was squirming in his seat. For the rest of the period none of them said a word to me.


While I was talking to Kate about my trip to London, we were cut off by the intercom:

* Attention students! We are postponing the pep rally next week to today. The pep rally will start after school. I repeat the pep rally will start after school. *

"Are you staying after school?" asked Kate.

"Yeah. I actually asked the principal if I could do a dance routine and he said yes."

"Can't wait to see your dance routine." She turned around and payed attention to the teacher.


Students filled the gym and the principal did a welcoming speech. He then intoduced the football players. Next, they asked for volunteers to play a game. Then they introduced the basketball team, asking for volunteers to play another game. The same thing with the volleyball team, baseball team, soccer and track.

The coaches then gave speeches and praise to their team. Captains gave speeches and those boring stuff.

After those long speeches, the cheerleading team performed their routine. I gave Kate and Kris a thumbs up as they start to perform. Girls were thrown in the air in sync. They did cartwheels, back flips, and they spinned in the air. Claps and cheers filled the gym as the cheerleading team finished their performance.

I was waiting for my cue to go in, as I fixed my uniform. "Thank you all students for attending the pep rally to support our school. But its not over yet." the principal announced. "At the last minute, a very special student will be performing a routine. Everyone please welcome Emily Rama!"

The music started and I pushed the door open, greeted by applause, before doing my opening. I started with a cartwheel then I started to dance to the beat. I heard cheers, whistles, and applauds. I turned, I twist, I danced, jumped, spinned and moved. I then did a back flip then another cartwheel before ending my routine with me sitting down on the floor as the music fades.

"Give another round of applause for emily and her fantastic performance." exclaimed the principal as another applause started. I bowed my head down and exited the gym.


Did you like her dance routine? There might be also a plot twist. MIGHT. Keep reading...

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