4) Consequences

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Here is another rad chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

Please just take a moment to look at the pic above. #NoMoreBullying

Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri - Cover by Maddi Jane

Any mistakes? Plz inform me.



I stood in shock when Dan's fist collided on the boy's face. Percy, Brody and Landon were immediately by my side, protecting me.

"What the f*ck is going on?!" I yelled at Brody.

"Rick." He said filled with hate and disgust.

"Rick? Why is he fighting Rick? I thought he and Dan are best friend? Why are they fighting?" I became more angry and confused.


"Care to explain?"

"Turned ugly."

"He does not look ugly. If you don't count the bruise and the cut on his lips."

"Yes inside, no outside." This is how Brody explain things. Very descriptive, don't you agree?

"Before I could ask another question, Rick crashed into Brody who standing in front of me. As a result, he bumped into me which caused me to fall on my bums. I forgot that there was a fight happening in front of me. Brody apologized and put me back on my feet.

I balled my fist and tried to calm my nerves.

"Uh oh." Brody said backing up with everyone and covering his ears. People know when I'm pissed to back off and cover their ears. They might die. Dan and Rick both stopped fighting. Shock filled Rick when he saw me while panic and worried filled Dan.

"WOULD BOTH OF YOU STOP FIGHTING LIKE AMATEURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed more words that tells everyone to be quiet, until Dan said, "Sorry sis."

It wasn't a normal sorry. Before I moved to London, I told them if they want me to forgive them, when they did something bad, they have to kneel down in front of me while looking at me in the eye and bringing me a gift, saying "I'm sorry for..." whatever that pissed me off. They can skip that whole routine if they buy me 1 King Size Kit Kat with a Slurpee. I love to purposely making a slurp sound. Thinking of it just makes me want to drive to the nearest convenience store.

I look at Rick and waited for him to do it. He just stand there with a smug look. He know what to do but I don't know why he won't do it.


"I won't do it." He said glumly looking at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're not the freaking boss of me."

"Just fucking do it Rick." Dan growled.


"Do it."

"I said -" He didn't get to finish his sentence because I cleared my throat.

"Fine," I started, "if you won't do it you have to face the consequence." I looked at everyone and saw that they were scared. Even the annoying, slutty cheerleader won't look at me in the eye. People know not to mess with me. I went inside the kitchen and grabbed 5 bottles of whipped cream before returning back outside.

"You need to finish all 5 bottles of whipped cream." I know that Rick hates whipped cream.

"Why should I listen to you?" He knows the answer anyways.

"Do you want me to show them?" I challenged. His eyes went wide."Or are you just being a baby?"

"You could show it to them. I don't care." I knew he would regret his answer after I showed them the "Video" I unlock my phone and search my Gallery for the "Video" I hooked my phone into a projector which projected Rick, when he was 12 YEARS OLD, crying to his mommy and him saying that I touched Mr. Fluffledore. He named his teddy bear after Dumbledore from Harry Potter. FYI he still has that bear inside the closet.

Rick's cheeks turned slightly pink as the audience saw Rick crying about a bear name Fluffledore. " Are you gonna do it now?"

He stood there glaring at me before he nodded. I know he was mad at me, but hey he said he doesn't care. He started to put whipped cream in his mouth and swallowing eat. By the time he finished his first bottle, he turned green.


Some people left and continued to party, some stayed and see the result after he finished digesting the whipped cream. When he consumed all of the 5 bottles, he fell on the floor. He stood up and faced me again.

"Well are you gonna do it?" Attracting a crowd again. He stood there and staring at me. "Well then, Consequence number 2. Follow me." Of course being stubborn again he didn't move. Dan was about to move him when I stop him. I walked over to him, his eyes following my move before I pinch his ears with my nails to be exact. I know it hurt him but he didn't show it. "Are you going to follow me now?" He nodded. Good.

We walked over to the pool, me still pinching him, before I let go and said, "Consequence number 2. You need to hold your breath for 30 seconds. When I say go, go under." He took off his shirt so he was half naked. "Take a picture ladies." I told the girls.

They took their phones out and started taking pictures. "Ready...Set...Go." He dunked under the water as I started my time. He's gonna fail so badly. I could see bubbles in the surface before his head popped up. I look at my phone and it says 15 seconds. I shook my head and said "Go." We did this a couple more times before he could actually do it.


He laid his head on the floor, his breath becoming shallow, before he said, "Sorry." Kneeling down. He balled his hands and walked out of the house. People started to talk or murmur to each other and I know that this is gonna be a big news at school. I walk over to the cooler and grab a beer. I raised it in the air saying, "I'm glad to be back and let's continue to party. CHEERS!!!

Woah! Did you like the consequence Em gave to Rick?

Once again, thx 4 reading.

To be continued...

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