15) Carnival Part l

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Don't laugh, but what you are what about to see is spontaneously, awesomely, embarrassing song, me and my friends, @CRR4903 and someone else I will not say for privacy, created. We just basically created words that goes with the beat of Titanium by David Guetta and ft. Sia. It will be featured in the story. You have been warned.

Teenager Post # 7286 - Potatoes have skin. I have skin. Therefore, I am a potato.

If you are a patato, you are in the patato pandom.

Music filled my room. I am currently in my 'secret hiding' place. The song Titanium started. I started making random lyrics as the song plays. I imagined an audience cheering for me as I started singing.

(There's no turning back now. Either skip this embarrassing part or be scarred forever. JK on the last part.)

"This is all for the patatoes out there!!! Never let anyone bring you down!!!"

I yelled at my imaginary audience.

"They say their bad, but I don't hear a word they say.

They're delish. Quit being lame." I started.

"Criticize, but all your remarks ricochet.

Push me down, I kick your nuts." I laugh internally what I just said.


Are fried and baked!

Eat away! Eat away!

Love them all,

their your baes.

Eat away! Eat away!

Now there's no more,

what will I do?

I'm gonna ma-a-a- ke more!

Now there's no more,

what will you do?

I'm gonna ma-a-a-ke more!" I waved to the 'imaginary' audience before I started singing again.


Why are you talking 'bout me?


Brown and red.

Bully me.

Fist and feet may break my bones.

I'm talking back.

You cower down."

I started singing the chorus I made up, finishing the song and saying goodbye to my 'imaginary audience.'

Before I said goodbye, I said "For all patatoes out there. I love you all! We are all in the Patato Pandom. Spread the word. Hashtag #PatatoPandom. We gotta let other people know how to say patato correctly!!!"

(Embarrassing Moment ended. To say patato right, its pronounce Pa - Ta - To. Not Po - Tay - To. Pa - Ta - To. Ta as in tap, just without the p :) Big difference. Potato Po - Tay - To. Patato Pa - Ta - To. I also know that is not how you spell fandom, but if your in the Patato Pandom, Pandom is how you spell it.)


I was in my closet, trying to pick clothes for the carnival I was going to perform at. The carnival, invited me to perform and in exchange I could eat the food there for free. Who wouldn't pass this offer? They also let me invite some friends, which I did. Kris and Kate barged in my room.

"Hi girls." I greeted them.

"Hello, hello. Next outfit. It's too showy." Kris said as I held a dress.

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