Chapter 22 - Where is she!?

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Everyone was waiting for the next fight, the multicolored winged girl brought a lot of attention to her.

But sadly Midnight announced that the girl was out due to a family emergency.

No one was more worried than Keigo, he got up from his chair the same second Midnight had finished speaking, as he went to the door Mirko's voice was heard.

"Where are you going?" She tilted her head back watching him

"Work is calling, you know how it is" he gave his signature smile

"You didn't have any connections with that girl did'ya?" Mirko got up from her chair and walked to him "Because her last name was something really sad, since... ya know, it's the same as that thief"

They were staring at each other, until she tilted her head to the chairs and said "sit"

He huffed and sat back down on his place, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

'Please don't go, I need you'

If he wasn't so good at faking a smile he would have broken down in tears from just thinking about going back to that lonely life.

'Please tell me you got lazy and went back home, maybe scared or even...' he was trying to think of excuses not accepting the truth

On one of the waiting room's a bi colored hair teen was thinking about his power and when thinking of his classmate remembered of that winged girl, that smiled so sweetly to him.

'Why am I thinking about her now?' he tilted his head but was disturbed by none other than Bakugo Katsuki barging in to his waiting room.


Hawks flew away as soon as the event was over, (Y/n) lived kinda far from the school, but even so, he would normally get there in 1h, he got there in 20 min.

"Hey pretty birb! Where are you??" He opened the door with his key and was greeted by Haru and Void "Hey guys, where is she?" 

Haru tilted her head, Void just stared at him, instead of taking him to (Y/n) like always he just stared back.

"She.... she is here... right?!" Hawks was trying really hard to not panic, but was starting to panic.

'Come on! You are a hero!' he tried to calm himself but was failing, he never had someone to be worried about, never had to think that his family was in danger, she IS his family.

Hawks searched for her inside the entire house but didn't found her, he got back on the living room and sad down on the couch.

Haru came to him and sat her head on his thigh, while void sat down beside him.

He chuckled at that "You two are very cute... let me call an Uber, I can't let you two alone here, she would be really sad" Haru whined a little, so the hero petted her head with love and care "Don't worry, it will be just for today... I hope"


After a week Hawks still could not find her, he gave up on his pride and went personally to talk with the commission.

"Okay Hawks, tell me, what do you need so much, that you came here, to me, to us?" the lady was on a chair in front of a desk, on her office.

"You knew that I had a sister didn't you?" Keigo stared at her with a bored face.

For someone that don't know him, would think that there is nothing wrong with him, but she could see right through him.

His feet taping on the floor, eye bags, lightly disheaved hair and some feather staying sharp, even thou he wasn't going to fight.

Hawks was on edgy, and she could see it clearly.

"Yes, but we couldn't get her to join us"

"And what would you do if you could?" his eyes sharpened

"Train her to become a hero, like we did to you... but also introduce you two" She said not looking up from her papers.

"And with what intentions, would you do that?" 

"You were a lonely teen, and could very well need some company, I'm sure of it, but they keep her away from us. "I never even saw her hair until the sport festival, now... do you want their address? It comes with a price-"


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