Chapter 10 - War Declaration

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Finally class 1A from the hero course was back, Y/n was thrilled to see that everyone was okay, she got really worried about her friends, but gladly everything was going back to normal little by little.

She decided that she would keep her flying a secret since it could be a advantage to get in the hero course. Y/n didn't wanted to keep it a secret but she had to if she wanted to have a real chance of getting on the hero course.

After school ended she followed Hitoshi to class 1A, she was there to see how her friends were, she didn't expected that her bestfriend would declare war between him and the other class.

But she understood why he would do that, she was besides him when they opened the door, after some chitchat an ash blonde stood in front of the students that where in the front.

"IT'S POINTLESS TO TRY, SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCK OFF, YA GODDAMN EXTRAS." After the ash blond said that hitoshi visibled frowned and looked at y/n.

"Do you have my back?" He wispered to her.

"Always!" She smiled brightly, she hid her wings that week, since they got bigger from her using then so much.

Hitoshi noded and looked back at the blond that was being scolted "I came to see what you kids are made of, but I dind't think you'd be this arrogant."

They both where making their way to the front while he keep talking "are you all the kids enrolled at the hero course this way?"

"AAAAH?" the ash blond looked pissed now.

'Scary!' They both stood in front of him.

"I'm a bit disillusioned so that's it, huh?" Hitoshi put his hand on the back of his neck. "There's lots of kids who wind ip in the education department or the other departments because they failed the heroics one. Did you know that?"

Y/n stood looking at then with her chin up on Hitoshi's side she felt brave enough to help him. "And based on the results of the sport festival people can be even come under review to be transfered to the hero course"

"And the reverse is also a posible outcome... scoping out the competition?" He tilted his head "if nothing else, a general ed kid like me is thinking"

"Hey, why don't I try pulling the rug out from those heroics kids while they're on their high horses?" His hands got back to his pants's pocket. "Consider it a declaration of war."

Y/n saw the surprise face from the students of the hero course and had to hold her laugh.

"Let's go 'toshi-kun! Void is waiting for us" she held his hand and pullet him out of the crowd.

They got out of the school amd she let go of his hand.

"You looked so badass there! And did you see the reaction of the ones inside the class??" She snickered

He smiled and noded "they were making funny faces".

"It's getting closer and closer! We can't stop training now! We can do it!" She jumped and raised both hands

"You are right, you got to go train with your brother right?"

"Yeah he should be waiting fo me now so I gotta run fast!" She waved at him and runned in front of him "see you tomorrow toshi!"

500 words

Sorry, I started to study this week so I didn't have time to make this chapter bigger, but I will compensat you all with the next chap since it is the sport festival.
(I took the chats from the manga, always from the manga)

Lov u all!

Lov u all!

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