Chapter 23 - Birds of A Feather...

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Finally Hawks had their adress, he flew there as soon as he was out of the commission's office.

'Please be okay, of there is a god PLEASE have mercy on her, even if she gets mad at me, or even if she starts hating me for not getting to her earlier, just-... let her be okay'

The pro hero had to fly for 4 hours in top speed to get in their city, it was night when he got to the house.

And there it was, a normal looking house, on a calm neighborhood, that was located inside a pacific and small city.

Hawks saw that all the windows were barricaded, there wasn't a single window that was open.

But there was a crack on the uper floor barricade, that he could use it to slip his feather inside.

Even if he couldn't see, he could feel the surrounds and the vibrations of people's movements.

The lonely feather flew in with no hesitation.

It looked like it was the master room, the feather hid itself when it felt movement outside of the room.

"That brat still needs discipline!" A male voice said "she doesn't deserve food! Give her less water too"

"Yes honey, I will do just that" answered a female voice "but... until when will we do this?" She was right beside the man

"Until she admits that her good fo nothing of a brother is piece of shit! That all pro heros are good for nothing. And that she is a nobody that deserves nothing but the treatment that she gets from us!" The man was passing around the room while the woman sat on the bed.

"It's going to be hard, she refuses to say a single bad word about that good for nothing"

The male huffed and sat next to his wife. "How is her punishment going?" The female asked

"She will break eventually, cuz' in the end, she has so many feathers" both laid down on the bed "tomorrow we will see if she won't say what I want"

Hawks waited until both were asleep to get inside the house, by the front door using a lockpick.

When inside he saw a normal looking house, so clean that it was unsettling.

The living room was very simple, same for the kitchen and guest room down stairs.

Hawks's footsteps didn't make a single sound, he was being twice as careful.

When he got to the second floor he saw 3 doors, one was the master bedroom, the other was a bathroom, and the last one a pink bedroom, where he guessed it was (Y/n)'s, but it was empty.

Her room was all pink, with a lot of cute anime plushies (some that he recognized from watching with her), a lot of books and mangas on the room.

But no sign of her, she wasn't on the house.

Hawks went down stair again and concentrated very hard, trying to find anything, any signal from her, that's when he felt her breathing, so small and so light that he could not feel it at first.

Hawks walked to behind the stairs and saw that the paint was lighter on one spot, when he was inspecting it, he pushed a bottom, a click was heard from the kitchen.

With his heart pounding on his hears, he went to the kitchen and saw that the fridge had dislocated.

When moving the frigde there were stairs going down behind it.

With trembling hands and pounding heart he went down the stairs, at the bottom the scene broke his heart in to a million pieces.

There she was curled up in a ball with a very thin blanket. Her back was to the wall and her face to him, (Y/n) was sleeping soundly.

He looked around the room now being able to see clearly in the dark to see how much blood it actually had, and other corner away from her had burned marks om the was and floor.

Thr winged hero got closer to his sister, and when he raised the blanked he cried at the scene.

Her beautiful multicolored wings had only a few bloody feathers left, they were a deep black with the tip golden

Too afreaid to hurt her he petted her hair softly.

"B-birb, I-I'm here... hey..." he shook her lightly waking her up.

Then (e/c) eyes, meet golden ones, she smiled at him and wispered "you are late", her voice was crooked, so different from her normal honey voice.

His lips were trembling but he smiled anyway "sorry, it was kinda hard to find you"

His sister nodded and shifts to  face him.

He hugged her, being mindful of her wings. "I have to go now, but I will bring the cops with me" she hugged him tighter and shook her head.

"Stay... please"

"I can't, a-and I can't take you with me yet... I need to get enough evidence so that I can but then in jail and become your guardian, so please... wait a little longer, can you do that for me?" Keigo was crying while petting her head.

"I-I... I will wait for you Kei-nii" she said softly.

He laid her back down and kissed her forehead. "Here, stay with one of my feathers" as he said that one small one flew from him to her hands "I will always be with you"

He got up and walked up stairs, there he closed the fridge door, then went to the front door to go to the police station.

But as he was about to open it he heard their father getting up and walking to the stairs.


Yoh, hope you are enjoying the fic now, since my ability ad a writer is getting better.

Also, please go check my other fanfic, Caretaker where now you are the big sister that has to take care of lil keigo.

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