Chapter 5 - Training hurts

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After taking a long bath, preming my wings and changing I got out of the bathroom to be meet with an empty home.

I sigh relifed and look at Haru that was by the window/door that led to the balcony "hey there... let's go to sleep, it's really late" I pet her head and pick Void up putting him on his cage letting the door open "goodnight"

Haru jumps on my bed and lay down by the feet of it "night...." I turn off the lights and went to go to sleep.

"But being a hero is hard! You are so frail and small, you shouldn't become a hero."

"You could fo something better with your life than... THAT"

"Maybe we should just... cut them out"


"NO!" I get up in one movement "damn nightmares..." I'm sweating cold so I decide to take another bath, my wings were a strong orange.


On lunchbreak I was sitting with Shinso when Tokoyami came to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Oh! Hi Toko-kun! Need something?"

"I got my teachers permission" he gives  me a piece of paper with the permission "we can start today after class"

"THANK YOU!" I get up and hug him tightly "you don't know how this is important to me... thank you so much" he takes a while but hugs me back.

We parted the hug and he goes back to his table.

"What was that?" Shinso

"Oh!" I sat down "I bumped into him yesterday after we parted ways and he voluntared himself to train me!" My wings were full yellow.

"And what is that paper for then?"shinso

"Oh! We needed his teacher pernission to train"

"I thought that the hero course could train whenever they wanted"

"They do, but I don't, the permission is for me not for him"

"Got it"

We got back to normal chatting and eating until the bell rang.


I changed to the gym clothes and go into Gama.

"Oh my god... here is enormous"

"I was surprised too" I turn around to see Tokoyami with a guy with red hair behind him "I deply apologise but I my mother called me and asked for me to return as soon as posible, so sadly I can't help you, so to make up for it I invited one of my classmates" he steps aside and the red haired guy bow

"It's fine really Toko-kun, and thank you for coming, I'm Takami y/n nice to meet you!" I bow too.

"I'm Kirishima Eijiro! It's nice to meet and help you!"

"I will be taking my leave now, again I'm deeply sorry, I will make it up to you tomorrow" he bowed down and went home.

"Okay! Let's begin!" We walk to the center of the gym "so... what's your quirk? Mine is hardyning, like this!" He made his arm hard as a rock, I went up to him and felt his skin

"Damn this is impresive... you are a walking rock!" I giggle and put my hand on my wing "I can make the same thing with my wings! Look!" I took a long feather and made it like a katana

"That's so manly! You should try to find someone that can use a sword so that you can be better at using it! Come on! Let's see what you can do!" He hardened his hole body "come at me with all you got!" He gave a toothy grin showing his shark teeth.

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