Chapter 30 - Weird but good

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(Omg, a quick thank u for u all. Just 30 chapters and I almost have 40k views!!! I know of books that have 40 chap and only have 40 views, or their views are under 1k, so thank you very much for reading all this barf of a fic that I came up with)

You woke up well rested and... oh My GOD! TOSHI WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE!!!

You ring the bell and the fox nurse comes to you. "Hi Hun! I would say good morning, but it's afternoon already, so! How can I help?"

"My friend will be here to visit me! Can you help me sit up and look a little less like I need face reconstruction?" You turn your head to her.

The fox nurse nods and helps you sit up "Here, use a brush to tame that wild hair of yours" she hands you a hairbrush "You need to eat too" she helps you sit up, which is hurting less than the last time.

"Hey! And the sweet you are owing me? You still didn't give me" You frown and her.

"Oh! I had forgotten, sorry, but sure! I will get it from the vending machine that we have on the cafeteria" Fox nurse goes to the door and stops "Please do brush your hair" 

You sigh and start to brush "Yes ma'am"


Shinso didn't arrive, you had spent the day looking at the door and then at your cellphone.

Keigo called you on his break and texted you when he could, but Shinso only send one saying that he would be late.

'At lest he warned me, and he is training to be a pro hero, I can't be angry at him'

You hear hurried steps from the hallway, not a full run. 'Keigo arrived earlier than I expected...' but when you look at the door to say hi to your brother, you are surprised to see Hitoshi almost out of breath on your door.

"Sorry I.... was... going to... come earlier but-!" he said between breaths.

"Stop" You interrupt him and pointed to the chair next to your bed "Sit and take a breath, then you can explain"

Hitoshi huffed but obeyed you.

While he calmed his respiration you got back to your cellphone, where you went back to talking to Tokoyami about his internship.

The silence was comfortable, like always was when you were with him.

Hitoshi was the first to break it "I look happy, are you talking with your brother?"

"Nope, Tokoyami is telling me about his internship, it looks fun! Eijiro also was sending me messages earlier, but now he is busy with patrol and stuff, looks like another student from 1B also picked that hero" you looked at him and was surprised to see him frowning while looking at your phone.

"You have a lot of male friends don't you?" his hand went to the back of his neck like always.

You took a few seconds to answer, but then it hit you like a basketball.

"Toshi... are you- ARE YOU JEALOUS!?" you blushed HARD 

'Does Toshi like me too!?' you looked at his face which now was just as red as yours.

"W-WHAT!? I-I... well... yes? I-" he took a deep breath and thought about it carefully "Yes, I am jealous"

Purple eyes peer into your (e/c) colored ones, you didn't expect this, he was blunt about it, you thought that he would be evasive or straight out say no to you but... he didn't.

"Is it-... Is it bad if I say that I liked that you were jealous?" Your eyes went back to your cellphone.

You heard him taking a deep breath and then his hand was on top of the screen of your cellphone.

"No, actually it would be very, very good, that you liked it." You looked at him again, he was much closer than before.

He got a little closer, and you got a little closer too, until your noses were touching one another. You could smell a minty touch on his breath, you prayed that your breath wasn't unpleasant.

You closed your eyes and took the risk to close the distance, your lips touched, lightly pressing against one another, it wasn't fireworks, and it definitely wasn't like the movies and books made it sound like, it was weird, good, but weird.

The feeling of pure happiness was overbearing, your heartbeat on the machine was very fast, but he quickly pulled away when you both heard someone fake coughing at the door.

The fox nurse at the door pointed to her wrist where a clock was "Sorry for disturbing the sweet moment but... the visitation hours are over, now only her guardian can stay."

Both with a red face nodded and Shinso got up, but before he went out he gave you a sweet little kiss on your cheek. "See you tomorrow, I will call you as soon as I get home" he spoke firmly 

You nodded, and watched as he walked out of the room.

"You two look cute together" she said then she put a chocolate bar with 70%cacau on your lap and left you alone.

You were too dazzled to notice anything other than Toshi leaving.

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