Chapter 29 - Over The Cellphone

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"Hi, can I please talk to Hitoshi Shinso?" You couldn't suppress the smile that you had on your face while talking on your brother's stolen cellphone.

"It's him, who's asking?" his voice was rough and sleepy, which made you shiver from it.

"Sorry... I can call you later 'toshi, it is midnight after all" you didn't meant to sound so disappointed, but it was very hard, since you've been nagging Keigo almost the hole day for your cellphone, he didn't let you know where it was, so you waited for the wolf nurse to appear and like you thought he would do, Hawks went out of his way to pass some time with her, which would let his phone unattended.

"Ssshit- Y/n!? Is that you!!? Are you fine!? Are you alright?!" you could hear something breaking and what sounded like a hiss from a cat.

"Yeah, I woke up yesterday at like... 3AM I think... but I also had to do all that check-up n' stuff" you look at your bandages and lightly caresses it, tracing random patterns on it.

"No no no! I understand! Is just-... I was... I was actually thinking the worse...." 

"That I wouldn't wake up? You are always so pessimist... So I have come to a conclusion for you!"

"A conclusion?" his voice was clearly sleeping, you heard the noise of someone laying down and covering itself.

You giggled at the image of him getting cozy on the bed, listening to you. "Yeah! You just need to 'prepare for the worst and hope for the best'! What do you think about that?!" you were sure that it would help him... somehow.

The other side was silent, and then you heard a chuckle "That sounds really nice... I will keep that in mind for the future" he cleared his throat, and you heard shuffling on the other side of the phone "How are you feeling? I heard that your wings will grow back..."

You close your eyes and focus on hearing his voice "Hmm... Yeah, everything is fine, my wings will take around one or two weeks to go back o what they were, and I need help with sitting and laying down, since it hurts too much for me to move"

"Do you need anything? I can do something to help you?"

"You can come by tomorrow if you can, Keigo needs to go back to work, so I will be alone most of the time, and... I-... I would like to spend some time with you" you feel your cheeks getting hot from embarrassment and shyness 

The line was silent for a few minutes making you panic "I-it's fine if you don't want or have something else planned-"

"I will come"

"What? I didn't hear you"

"Tomorrow, after my morning training, I will go visit you, we can spend the rest of the day together since it's Saturday... I have the afternoon and night free, alright?"

"Alright! Oh! If you gonna get up early then I should hang up-"

"Actually... I-..." he cleared his throat "I'm insomniac, and if it isn't too much trouble... can you- keep talking to me until one of us sleep?" your face got all red.

"Y-yeah! Sure! I don't mind... just wait a second please" 


You slowly laid down and carefully turned on the bed, so now you were with your stomach down and back up, it was much more painfully doing it alone then with help, you were able to hold back the wines and whimpers, but your breathing was heavy, which made Hitoshi worry.

"Hey... you sure you are okay? I can hang up if you need it" his worried voice was very noticeable.

"Sorry... I just... need a... moment... to catch my... my breath" you said between each breath.

"Are you sure?" 

You didn't answer focusing on taking deep breaths and calming your respiration.

"Hey, are you still there?"

You finally calmed your breathing and got comfy on your bed "Yeah, still here, sorry for that, I was set up before, but I had to lay down if I wanted to get comfortable, it hurts to move, and until now I had help every time that I needed to sit or lay down"

"Are sure you can keep talking to me?"

"Yeah, talking to you helps me very much" you smile blushing a little.

"Okay, if you are sure then I trust you"

You two talked a lot until it was 4AM, and both slept hearing each other's breathing.


Keigo got back in the room to fetch his things and say goodbye to you before going back to work, but was surprised to see you sleeping with his cellphone by your side, he took it and listened to the other side.

"Awwwn... how cute!" He hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

Keigo put everything back on his backpack and finally shook your shoulder, waking you up, as soon as your eyes focused on him, he started to talk sweetly to you, keeping his voice low so that you wouldn't be startled "Hey, I'm going now, here is your phone" he put your cellphone beside your head "and here is some money if you need it" he put the money inside the drawer on your bedside table "any emergency that you feel that you need me just call me, just call, the wolf nurse already went home, so the fox nurse will be here on a few minutes, okay?"

You nod your head, he smiles at you cute face and kisses your forehead. "I'll be back around midnight, as soon as you can get out of here I will take you home" 

Keigo pets your head until you are back to sleep, then he goes to work with a smile on his face and a mark of red lipstick on his cheek.











Boom Boom Boom! Triple update! 

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