Chapter 4 - New friends

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(I'm so sorry for posting in the wrong day! I swear that I had completely forgot that yesterday was friday, I hope you all can forgive me with this extra long chapter (around 3300 words)

I get inside the class and look around, for what it seems I'm the only one that is "flashy". Sighing I go to the back knowing that if I stay at the front I wil block a lot of peoples views.

I go sit down by the window at the left of some guy with purple hair that looks like could use a nap right now. After sitting down I look outside and see the pretty blue sky and sigh again waiting for the signal.

"Wow your wings are so pretty!" A random girl come up to me with her friend by her side

"Oh, hmmm... thank you" I blush lightly making the tip of my wings go pink

"It looks so smoth and fluffy!" She goes to put a hand in my wings but I stop her getting to my feet and pushing her back, both wings totally closed next to my body

"Please don't touch me" the tip of my wings get red "And especislly don't touch my wings" she looks at me scared and both of them runs off "oh fuck... just what I needed" I sigh frustrated passing a hand on my h/c hair undoing some knots "Now I woun't even have friends in this class" I sit down defeated and go back to looking out of the window.

I hear someone chuckle besides me and I look at him.

"What is so funny?" My eyebrow quirk up looking at him with curiosity

"Nothing really" the boy with purple hair just waves me off

"Hmmm... if you say so..." my wings go back to grey and I hear the bell going off seeing the teacher getting inside the classroom makes me realease a breath I didn't knew I was holding "good god it isn't him" I wispear to myself

The boy with purple hair snickers and I glare at him.

"Takami y/n?"

I look at the teacher "Here sir" I raise my hand

The teacher looks at me surprised and then looks back at my file. "Okay... Totoro Tonton"

I go back to look to the sky no longer paying atenttion to te teacher.

'So pretty... hu? What's that?' I see a ball flying in the sky with a trail off smoke behind it 'what th-'

"Hey, angel" someone waved his hand in front of my face

"Don't call me that!" The tip of my wings get red "Call me Takami" I look at the person to see the boy with purple hair that sits besides me

"Yeah yeah, we are the last ones in class, let's go to the auditoriun, everyone must already be there" he turn around giving me his back and walk out of the classroom

"Hey! Wait!" I run and follow him out "purple guy, wait up" I walk by his side "thank you for calling me, why no one else came to call me?" I tilt my head trying to think about why this guy was the one that called me "oh! Sorry I'm not saying that I have a problem with you! I just didn't expected it because-"

"Because I look like a villain?" He said it with poison in his words his expression showed that he was angry

"No..." he looks at me with suspiction "it's because you look antisocial... and I didn't expected that someone that looks like don't sleep at night called for me"

He chuckles and stop looking at me "you will say that until you discover my quirk then you will be just like any other person" his eyes showed sadness but he had a smirk in his face

"Try me"

"What?" He looks at me confused

"Try me! You will never be sure until you try! Like... the worst that can happen is me stopping talking with you, the best that can happen is you having a new friend!" I smile, my wings get all yellow "go on! Tell me, what's your quirk?"

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