Chapter 25 - So sorry...

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Hawks was worried that the plan would not work, he was almost crying just from thinking that it would not work,

But like the grown ass man that the commission made him, he took a deep breath and nodded, determinated to rescue her.

Hawks got inside the house again without a single feather on his wings, the lights were all off, he made it to the bottom, and pressed it.

With heavy footsteps he got to the kitchen and to the secret door, Keigo got in and tried not to vomit from the smell of blood, it was stronger this time, that made him anxious.

Running down the stairs he saw her curled up in a ball, all bloodied, without her beautiful and multicolored wings, the same wings were pined on the wall beside her, Y/n was with his feather tightly on her hand, at that exact moment, Keigo knew why he didn't hear her screaming, or felt anything from that specific feather, it was cut in two.

And just like fire, when his feathers were cut in half they turned useless.

He should've had know! He should've stayed with her! He should've taken her away with him that exact moment!!!

His sobs and small hiccups had wakened her, Y/n turns her head to him and smiles.

Keigo cried harder now, even if he was late, she smiled to him, even if she had just lost her wings, even if she maybe would never be able to fly again, or even be a hero since now she was quirkless, she smiled to him. even thou she was in enormous pain.

"Ni i - c h a n... yo u 'r la t e..." her small voice was crooked, probably from screaming

Keigo nodded and petted her hair a with feather like touch, afraid to cause her even more pain. "Oh my baby sister *hiccup* of course I came! I would- *sob* would never have left you alone here!"

"S o rry, kei-ni i ... I'm a bi t sleepy" her eyes were closing, making Keigo panic, now noticing how pale her skin was.

"Shit! Stay with me! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" he picked her up, but Y/n had already passed out

Hawks got up from the floor and moved fast to the entrance of the house, there he found someone that he didn't see in a very long time. "Get out of my fucking way" he squeezes her against his chest.

F/n scoffs, "just put her back where you found her, then we won't have a problem"

"And why the fuck, would I do that? Didn't you already hurt her enough already???"

"Hmmm... No, the fun was just starting, I just cut her wings from her back, I took her sickness away, I was just spanking her like the time before you came in to our lives, the life that we spanked her because it was always fun watching her go on, and on, about how she is sorry, how much she loves us, and then see her acting as the good little slut when smiles for me and my wife saying a soft "thank you", but... since you came she just tells us to "fuck ourselves", and "big brother will save me" but my favorite is "I am no longer alone" she told us with so much conviction that I almost believed her almost"

Keigo is doing everything to hold himself from killing him, knowing that it won't be pretty if someone discovers about his past, so he takes a deep breath and glare at him "What else did you do?? Why did you do all of this?! SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

"Because I can, simple as that, I wasn't even drunk most of the time, but... now that I think about it, maybe I should have popped her cherry last year, then I could have had much more fu-"

He was abruptly interrupted by a punch on his face, Keigo heard a loud crunchy from under his fist, he had broken that putrid man's nose. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Hawks was fast to get out of there after that, not giving a single fuck about what he had just done, he needed to concentrate on flying as fast as possible, Y/n's heart was still beating and her breath was stable, and he was flying on his top speed, until he finally FINALLY, arrived at the hospital, after that everything was a blur, time was passing slow and fast at the same time, he could remember a few things in specific.

Him getting inside the hospital and yelling for help, the doctors and nurses getting her on a stretcher, he was siting on the floor next to the door of the operation room, just so he could feel her heart beats, a few phone calls, god who the fuck did he call? He can't remember. Then a nurse FINALLY telling him that the operation has a success and that Y/n was going to a room.

After some paperwork being signed by him, he was finally able to go to see her.

Sitting by her side was a enormous relief, Keigo slowly took off his glasses, then his coat, then his gloves, finally being able to relax after all that emotional stress.

Y/n was with her hair tied up, with her stomach down and back totally bandaged, no shirt on and the covers were up to her waist, her skin was pale but better, with short and deep breaths she was peacefully sleeping.

Even if Keigo asked about her wings he knew that had already gone home, she was 4 hours in to surgery.

"Lil' birb... I am... so, so, so fucking sorry *sob*" 

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