Chapter 35 - Family is... [END]

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You decided that she should be cremated, and her ashes would stay on your room, while your crow doll would be cremated with it, since it was part of Haru.

You and Keigo spend two days  in a melancholy mood, but he did a good job of not leaving you alone, only when you ask he would give you space.

Keigo also dedicated himself to preen your small buds, and you did the same to his big and enormous wings, they got healthier than ever! And by the looks of it only a few more days were needed to heal completely.

But your heart and mind were heavy now that Haru was gone.

Keigo gave you a plushie look a like, so that you could always sleep with her in your arms, which was of great help.

You only ate junk food these two days, but you were quite surprised by someone knocking on the door on the morning of the 3rd day.

You and Keigo look at each other "Did you invite someone?"

You shook your head "no, did you?"

"No... wait here, I think I know who it is" he uncovered himself and got up from the couch, while you paused the movie and kept eating the popcorn.

"Oh... MY GOD!!"

"Wait! Okami-chan I can explain!!"

'Nii-san's voice? And... wait! He called her by her first name!!!'

"Do I look stupid to you?? Let me in, if you are not taking care of her, then I will" you look at the door, the Haru plushie falling from your lap

Okami comes inside, looks at the mess in the place, so much trash from the junk food you two had been eating and glares at Keigo "She just got out of the hospital! You should be more responsible!" She crosses her arms

He looks panicked "I-I know that I did wrong!! But she just lost her best friend! I was trying to comfort her!"

You ate popcorn while watching the scene unfold 'if big bro needs help he just needs to look at me'

The nurse sighs "I know, but she needs a lot of nutrients for a fast recover, I will help the two of you, Hawks-san please clean the house, I'll make some chicken soup, and prepare premade meals for you two, for this week and the next"

"Are you a good cook?" You get up a stand beside your brother.

She smiled and nod "do you want to help me?"

You nod eagerly "I can cook really well!"

"I agree!" Keigo says and goes to get the cleaning supplies.

"Let's go cook!" She grabs your hand, and you bring her to the kitchen.

You both cook together, and since she's a woman, she gives you a few advices on relationships, also telling about her sister first day on nursing, where she collapsed the first time Kitsune saw a corpse.

You laugh a lot with her and when your brother comes to the kitchen after cleaning everything he sits on the table and talk together.

"So... nii-san can call miss Amaterasu by her first name hu?" You say and see their faces become red.

"I let him, like... friends ya know?" She stares at the soup.

"She's right! We are friends!" Keigo agrees while blushing heavily.

Looking at them, you say "that's a shame you two look good together" you watch their faces get redder then tomatoes for a while a go to set the table leaving them in an awkward silence.

You chuckled to yourself 'he should be bolder it's obvious she likes him...'

The table was set and the three of you sat to eat the soup was very good and for dessert a fruit salad, a very healthy meal.

"I fell on the floor after that" Okami buries her face on her hand as you and Keigo laughs

"You could have asked for help!" Keigo says between laughs

"No! I wanted to do it alone"

"The price was just your face on the floor" you chuckle at her expense.

She pouts and avoids looking at you.

"Nii-san, you clean up, we will  go and pick a movie" you get up and run back to the couch hugging your plushie.

Okami stay behind helping him clean the table.

You hear them chatting, by the looks of it Keigo is more shy than you thought, Okami-san seems to be taking the lead of the pace that the relationship is going.

You put a Ghibli movie and wait for them to come.

Keigo is washing the dishes when he receives a kiss on his cheek, he looks at Okami surprised.

She smiles at him "You are a good brother, just need to get better at your parenting skills"

He blushes hard and nods "You think that I'm doing a good job?"

She shakes her head "I'm sure of it" Okami pats his shoulder "Keep doing your best and fix what you think it needs to be fixed, she is young, but was forced to grow up too fast, just let her finish healing and go back to training" she lays her head on his shoulder "I'm sure you lil birb will love it"

He blushes at the mention of the nickname he gave you.

Okami chuckles at him, when he finishes the dishes he dry his hands and look deep into her eyes.

She close her eyes, and he let their foreheads touch, closing his eyes, the feeling of being close to her was incredible, and now that he also have you in his life... this all seems like a dream, Keigo wish that it would stay like this forever.

"ARE YOU GUYS COMING OR DO I NEED TO GO TO MY ROOM?" you shout from the living room.

They laugh "We are coming!"

"EW, DIDN'T NEED TO TELL ME" Okami laughs more at your answer and Keigo's face blushes hard.

They go to the living room, and sit beside you, letting you stay in the middle.

"I love that movie!" Okami's tail wags behind her.

"Spirited Away? Never heard about it" Keigo announces, making you and Okami look at him surprised.

"Okay, we are going to bing watch Studio Ghibli" Okami nods at your comment.

The 3 of you chat while watching, you notice your brother's arm going behind your head to bed Okami's loose hair and decide to be his wing man.

"Okami-san, can you change sits with me? Nii-san won't stop moving!"

She chuckles and does so, now he had his arm around her shoulders.

But since you need payment for the good you have done, you lay your head on Okami's lap, where she combs your hair with her fingers, untying the knots, but also making you sleepy.

What a nice day.

You still can't believe that you have a family, this is everything you have ever dream off, a cute boyfriend, friends, your brother with you, and a very good school, now you just need to study and train hard, then you will be on the way to get your first wish, becoming a hero.









This fic was supposed to be longer, but I got depressed, and will focus on my next fic, but this one had an abruptly ending, if I can, later I will come back to fix some things, and add other, but until that day comes, please check my other books, I hope you liked it here.

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