Chapter 6 - Help?

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After a few days of training y/n decited to have a day off, she woke up later than usual, was the last one to get to class just a few minuts from the ringing bell.

The weather was calm and peaceful, a few days before there was the reporter incident, she was saved by a boy with red and white hair after being separetad from Shinso, she didn't got his name but they ended up almost being crushed against the big glass window.

The day was lazy that was until in the mid of the class Midnight barged in the classroom and stole or teacher away leaving us alone.

"What the hell just happened?" Shinso asked while looking at her

"How the hell would I know?" Y/n tilted her head to the side

"It was a retorical question I know that you don't know" he rolled his eyes

"Hmmm... the hero course is having a special class today! They must be having so much fun! I'm so jeoulous!" She trew her head back winning

"Stop winning you big baby, that is your on fault for not getting enought points n stuff" he laid his head down

"Hey you airhead! You know that it wasen't my fault that I have shitty parents!" She pouted and lightly hit his head

"Yeah yeah... sorry" he took a deep breath and closed his eyes

"Wait! Before you take your nap!"

He looked at her with one eye "what?"

"Please help me!" She should him her notebook "I still don't understand!"

"Daaaaamn you are dumb, are you sure you can become a hero?" He asked with a smirk in his face

"Stop bullying me! That's mean!" She pouted again and he blushed lightly

"What would you do without me?" He sighted and sat straight "come here I will help you"

"Thank you~!" She put her chair by his side and leaned close to him not noticing his blush "so... how do I find the delta?" Her wings were yellow

'She smells like lavander'

"Earth to Hitoshi can you hear me or are you too sleepy to help me?" She looked at him worried

He sighed again stopping his blush and shock his head "sorry, let's begin"


The teacher cameback "we had a problem... a villain attacked gym G.A
M.A. but don't worry, every student came out uninjured, you all will see it in the news but don't need to worry"

"But why did they broke into gym G.A.M.A.? "

"For what we know... to kill the simbol of peace"

Everyone was surprised for this y/n's wings were orange, she was worried about her friends.

"So today you all can go home now, but again don't worry we have everything under control, class dismissed"

Y/n got up fast, got her bag and run outside while using her cellphone to call Tokoyami.

"Pick up pick up.... hi!"

"Hello Takami, something happened?"

"Yes you were atacked by villains! How are you? Are you fine? Are you hurt? Do you need something?"

He chuckled "I'm fine, I'm not hurt, and no, I don't need nothing, Kirishima is fine too, we will get 2 days off, I'm almost home, sorry but we won't be able to train..."

"It's fine Toko-kun, I will train my flying, okay?"

"I'm glad that you care for me, but I'm fine, and I'm gonna be busy with my family, I apologise"

"Okay! Best wishes to you and your family! ByeBye kisses!"

She hang up and stopped at the front gate for a while, soon enought Void came and sat on her hair, like always. She decided to go directly to train flying, even though she could train in school too she wanted to see Hawks again, so she was back to praticing flying in the place Hawks had recomended.

"Okay! Let's do it!" She tied her hair and put her gym clothes over her uniform "I can feel it in my bones! Today is THE day!" She took deep breaths and spreeded her wings, she was on the floor and started to beat her wings with strong moviments, trying not to be too fast or to slow, until...
She no longer could feel the floor under her foot.


I'm so sorry 708 word, this time, I'm disapointed in myself for having rushed this time, I will try to make the next longer but please understand that I will start studying for the military course soon, and the updates will be less frequent, but not now.
I will warn u all.
Love u❤ see u next update

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