Chapter 24 - Pigs

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F/n went down the stairs and looked around the house for a few minutes "Must be hearing things... but since I'm already here..." he smiled sadistically while looking at the fridge where she is "Let's have some fun" he chuckled going to the wall and pressed the button.

The last thing Keigo saw was that awful man going inside the secret basement.

Almost panicking he flew to the nearest police station, which he stormed in and went to the boss.

"I need back up, I have a girl being physically and mentally  abused by her parents, she is hiden inside of their basement" Hawks tried to not speak too fast so they could understand.

The chief of police got up and went to the door. "The name of the family and their adress"

"Takami and (adress)" to the pro hero's surprise the chief stoped at the door and turned off his radio. "What are you doing?? We have to go and save the girl!"

The hole police station laughed.

"Look... pretty boy, why don't you go back to the big city? That brat deserves what she is getting anyway, we are just making that family pay a fee so that we won't take her away, you are just another worried neighbor, and if you think that any police station of this small country city will give a fuck about a girl and not about money, I suggest you to kindly fuck off" the chief snickers as he went back to his office.

Even though Hawks was mad at then he didn't had time for this, he needed to find help, and quickly.

'Those damn pigs! I will deal with them later' the pro hero flew off to another police station.

But it didn't matter, with each and any police station that he flew in didn't care, even if he tried to buy them, even if he was agressive and used is position as a wepon, they would laugh at him.

Keigo was starting to panic even more, he had spend 2 hours with these guys, and still nothing.

So he decided that he will get a confession and save her at the same time.









sorry for the short chap, no excuses, I was just lazy.

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