Chapter 8 - Gorgeous

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After cooking and eating together Keigo went home with a full stomach and a big smile in his face, he never had someone act so natural around him, it was refreshing it felt like home.

They exchanged numbers this time, he was pretty clear that he was seeing her like a little sister so she wouldn't feel creeped out.

Both were in the same page about their friendship, wich only made Keigo happier since normally people would only want something from him, but she was so nice and friendly, she sounded like she really saw him as her big brother, wich again was very refreshing.

He totally would take her in if he could.


Y/n walked to school the next day, Keigo had explained that flying was technically using her quirk so it was ilegal since she didn't had a license.

She thought it was unfair having wings that now knew how to fly and not be aloud to.

On her way to U.A someone poked her shoulder, when she turned around she saw a boy with half white hair and half red hair, he had mesmerizing bicolored eyes and a scar that brought a mysterious look to him, his clothing looking too basic for someone that handsome, before she could stop it her mouth and brain said the same thing at the same time.


The handsome guy was stunned, he had gotten a lot of compliments all his life given who his father is, but never had someone called him that, he was fascinated by this girl's wings and wanted to ask a few questions, but now? Now he had lost his words.

They were like that for a few seconds until she realized what she had said what made her face go bright red and her wings from gray to pure pink.

"I'm so sorry! I-i.... BYE!!!!" She runned to school after that not stoping for nothing, even if she had already escaped the handsome boy, she was so embarrassed that almost runned over her best friend but fate was kind with her purple haired friend and she realized that it was him just in time, being able to stop just in time.

"Woah! Calm down! What the fuck happened?? You almost killed me there!"

They were a few centimeters from each other, being able to smell each other's breath.

She was breathing heavily trying to make her it even out, she smelles like the fresh mint and cherry tea.

He sighed letting her being able to smell the coffee on his breath.

'Too close' hitoshi blushed heavily and took a step back.

"S-sorry! I was running from a pretty boy and-"

"Pretty boy?"

"Well... more like handsome boy like... REALLY handsome" she got back to walking to school and Hitoshi was following behind her.

"Oh... yeah but... how did he look?"

"Oh! He had this beautiful hair that was half red and half white, he also had one gray eye and one blue eye, he truly was breathtaking!"

"Uhum" Shinso was feeling annoyed that she though so much of a random boy. "Was his voice also sweet like honey?" He smirked at his sarcastic remark.

"I don't know... I runned from him before he could say anything..." she looked at the ground ashamed

Hitoshi bursted out laughing "why- hahahaha! Why would you do that???"

"I... Before he could tell me why he poked my shoulder I called him gorgeous... we both got embarrassed and I runned away" her face was brigth red and her wings pure pink

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