Chapter 3 - Principal's Office

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I get up really slowly with the help of my alarm clock and a dog barking at it. "Damn it girl! Why so loud?" My wings get slight red in the tips.

Haru keeps barking at it.

"One more bark and no breakfeast for you" she goes silent imediatly "hm! Thought so" the wings go back to grey, I got up, streach and put lotion on my back, the best I can "ok wings... time to tuck you in... again" I hide them and feel a little down because of it "maybe I should tell the principal since I will have then show to the world if I get in to the hero course..." I start to get ready.

"Should I eat something now? Hmmm... there is leftover from yesterday" I finish changing by putting my hair up after have finished with my clothes and go to the kitchen "And... water" I sigh "well... chicken it is" I put the boneless chicken without the skin in Haru's food bowl "HARU FOOD" I hear the sound of her nails hiting the floor while she run to the kitchen.

"Damn girl, go slower or you gonna choke" she keeps eating fast I just sigh seeing it. "Void! You will get none since you didn't finished yesterday" I finished eating and get everything I need. "There and just in time" I look at the clock seeing I was super early the way I want it, and go to the door with Haru following me and Void flying to my shoulder.

"Sorry Void, I can't take you but when the sun starts to set you can come get me ok? I let the bancony window open just enought for you to pass trou" I scratch his head and he goes to my room "Come here Haru give some good luck kisses" she comes to me wagging her tail and as I pet her head she licks my hand "Thank you sweety, please be good, I will be back the sooner I can" I start my way to the school extremely nervous and happy at the same time.

'Let's hope that I won't regret it'

As I make my way to the school by foot I listen to some tunes.

I look up at the sky and fantasize about flying to school. 'That would make my life so easy'

As I get to the U.A. I decided that talking with the principal first would be the best idea, if I didn't in the end I would be alone in the class since I arrived extra earlier.

I turn off the music, go straight to the principal office, and knock at the door, waiting ansiously.

'I hope they don't just send me to my parents after I tell then the truth... even if it isn't my fault'

"Come in" the voice was kinda... cute?

I get inside and see the... the... mouse? Maybe dog?... idk "Excuse me... are you the principal...?"

"Yes! I am! You can call me Nezu, please sit down" he points to the chair in front of his desk "what an unusual thing to happen in the first day of school, normally the teachers are the first to greet me" he chuckles omg... he's so CUTE!

I sit down in front of him and chuckle a little "Sorry to be a nuisence, but I thougth that telling the school now was better than to get you all by surprise if I ever use my quirk"

"Wait... aren't you Takami Y/n? The documents your parents send me tell me that you don't have one"

"Yes but they are forged.... My mother and my father where afraid that people would want to get me because of my quirk"

"Hmmm..." he croses his arms "I understand the situation, but you do know that you will have to tell me what your quirk is right?"

"Yes Nezu-sama, I know"

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