Chapter 7 - Big brother is awesome

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No longer feeling the floor under her feet she tryied to stay calm, but failed and ended up falling on her right side.

"Damit!" She punched the floor, took a deep breath and got up ready to try again .


After a LOT of trying she had her hands and face bruised up, her hair a mess and with sweat all over her body from all tge failing.

She was exausted, siting on the floor with a empty bottle of water in hand and Void in front of her.

Her big wings were a dark gray, after failing so much she was very dismotiveded, they were droopy and sad.

The sun now was going down.

"The sky must be so pretty right now from up there..."

The light blue from the ending day, and the deep blue of the begining of the night were being separeted by a lovely pink, and a dramatic orange transforming the sky in a breathtaking view.

The view from the ground was very diferent from the view from the sky, she knew it because of the time Hawks had took her to her house the view was beautiful and felt like home being in the sky.

"I want to feel that again..." she got up, her legs were aching, her arms bruised and purple from the times she fell, but she wanted to try again at least one more time.

Hawks was watching her from up above, he went there everyday to see if he could see her again and talk to her, but she never cameback after that day, he knew she was a UA' student, but didn't wanted to look like a creep or a stalker so just waited to see her there.

Today was his lucky day, he has been watching her for a few hours.

"Yoh!" He got down on the floor and looked at her, he was a few steps away from her "want some help?"

"..." she looked at him and gave him a small tired smile "yes please"

He realesed a breath that he didn't knew he was holding "let's go to the top of a building so you can really learn how to fly"

"Wait WHAT???" she took a few steps back scared.

"How birds really learn how to fly?" He got closer to her again.

"But I'm not a bird!"

"But you have bird wings, come on! I promise I will caught you, I am a hero!" He put his hand on her shoulder.

"O-okay... I will trust you this time" her wings were full orange, she was really scared and wanting to cry from just thinking about jumping from an edifice that have 50 floors.

----small timeskip to the top of the building----

"Here we are! Now just go and jump head down" Hawks pushed her to the tip of the building "it wil come naturally... I think"

"You think?! You know that I can die with this right?"

"Yes but you won't"

"But what if-"

"Hey! Have some faith in yourself, if you can't then at least have faith in me, okay?" He smiled and petted her head "you can do it Y/n-chan, I'm sure of it"

She blushed lightly and smiled back at him, the neon orange from her wings now were a little less intense.

"I will take care of that" he extended his hand to Void and he jumped on it. "You can go now"

She looked down but wasen't afraid of the heigth but of the fall. "C-can you push me please?"

"Just this once okay?" She nodded and he put his hand on he back, right between the wings "one.... two.... three..." she took a deep breath thinking he was going to stop at 5 "...four!" He pushed her taking her by surprise she was falling fast and head first.

Y/n took deep breaths and calmed down, she was nearing the floor faster than she thought she would.

Because of the time of the day there was almost no one in the streets, and tge few people that were there didin't looked up.

It was taking to long for her to open her wings, Hawks started to panic and dived behind Y/n, he was falling faster than her and almost reaching her when from nowhere she opened her wings and flew up to the sky, he followed her with a big smile in his face.

She looked up then looked down and finally noticed.

"I AM FLYING!!!" A big smile appered on her face her wings now were full yellow, she looked at the sky around her and then to Hawks.

"You did it little bird" he smiled and petted her head "you also gave me quite the scare back then!"

She giggled and smiled brigthly "Sorry!" Her h/l h/c hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and her e/c orbs were shinying like stars "Thank you so much Hawks" tears started to form on her eyes shewas trying to hold back "I can finally fly!" Happy tears were running down her cheeks.


"W-what? Sorry I didn't hear you" she looked and him while trying to dry her tears.

"My name is Takami Keigo so from now on when we are alone you can call me Keigo" he got closer to her.

"Okay! Keigo-onichan!" She hugged him buring her face in his shoulder.

He was stunned for a few seconds then chuckled and hugged her back "you're welcome little bird"

'I did it! I not only learned how to fly but now am friends with big brother! This is awesome... also... he smells like... fried chicken and lotion, she giggled and he looked at her smiling.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"You smell like fried chicken and lotion"

He deadpaned at that making her giggle more, Void came up to then and stoped at her head

"I'm really hungry now, I have to go home to make dinner"

"Uuuuh! Can I come too???"

"Sure! I hope you like ratatoullie, because today only Haru will eat meat"

"What? Why?" He flew a bit back separating the hug.

"Is her birthday, only she can eat chicken on her birthday"

He sighed "okay, but the food have to be tasty, right?"

"I'm an excelent cook! I learned how to cook when I was 6 years old!"

"Oh! So you could help you mom?"

"Nope, mom teached me so she didn't need to make food" she deadpan at that.

"O-oh... I see... well LET'S GO EAT!" He raised both arms to the sky and smiled at his little bird.

"OKAY!" She copied him.

'Yeah, I don't need to investigate her, she is to inocent to be hiding something' he thought while looking at her big yellow wings. 'She smells like lavender and her hug felt like home, all my instints are saying that she isn't a treath so why worry?'


Tcharam! Another chapter done. 1100 words

Also please vote for the pair of this reader, this will be important tor the next chapters since I want to start the love train.

Bakugo Katsuki

Todoroki Shoto

Midorya Izuku

Shinso Hitoshi

Love u all❤

See u in the next friday

If I don't have enought comments by the next friday (04/09/2020) I will choose it.

(Also that is the date of my birthday! 🎉)

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