Chapter 2 - Moving out

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I get inside of my new home... it's very basic and simple, just a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and the living room, nothing to fancy but it's enough for the 3 of us.

I look at all the boxes in the living room's floor and sigh.

"Come on Haru, Void! Let me get you some water, after I finish unpacking we will go out to eat, who would like some chicken?"

Haru barks and runs inside, Void follows behind. I close the door, lock it and put a bow with water on the floor and the other on top of a tall box.

'It's hard to accept that they would put me out like this... at least they had some heart to get me a place to stay, and it's just a few blocks from UA, I still can't belive that I did it! I'm so happy! But so nervous... but I still did it!' I fist bump the air, then start getting the boxes that have "bedroom" in them in their place.

'I'm glad I passed the entrace, sadly I couldn't try for the hero course... they even had locked me up that day to make sure that I wouldn't even try' I start unpacking my things. 'If they see me in the hero course they will stop paying the bills of this apartment and I can't go make my dreams true while homeless and hungry... I'm so glad they gave me some kind of allowence'

After finishing to get the desk, bed and shelf set I start organizing everthing.
'I heard a rumor that when you are in the U.A you get a few chances of getting in the hero course, I hope they are true, I will have to get the hard way around, but that's fine! I still have to learn how to fly and stuff, actually... I don't think I would pass even with my wings in the hero course exam... I can do so little with my wings...'

'But it's okay! Because I will go and be Plus Ultra!' I finish my room living it simple 'Maybe if I don't spend too much money, in a few months I could get this please a little better... but for now it's perfect'.

I go back to the living room and get the bathroom boxes to go unpack my things, but stop to take a better look at Haru and see her chewing something

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I go back to the living room and get the bathroom boxes to go unpack my things, but stop to take a better look at Haru and see her chewing something.

"Haru... what are you eating?" I approach her after putting down the boxes but she start to chew faster "HEY GIVE ME THAT!" I go to get her but she is faster than me so I had corner her in the kitchen and imobilize her "Spit it out!" I open her mouth trying not to hurt her the best I can "SPIT IT OUT" I put my hand in her mouth and search for the thing "SPIT. IT. OUT." I finally get it and relese her "Damn girl! You almost gave me a heart atack!" I look at the thing and see it's the cap of my shampoo "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET THIS? The box was closed I'm sure..." I sigh and go wash the cap then go to the bathroom getting the boxes off the floor and taking it with me.

"Should I call then to tell that I got here safe?..."

'You are no daughter of mine'

'I wish I never had any of  you!'

"Maybe not... both of us hm..." I finish setting the bathroom. "That's better!" I smile at the result.

 "That's better!" I smile at the result

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