Chapter 31 - Sleepover

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On the next day you were watching TV while chatting with Hitoshi that had spent the entire day with you, when the accident with the Hero Killer, and the Nomus happened that night.

Keigo was away and called you at once when he discovered that the attack was next to where your hospital was, and only calmed down when you told him that you were with Hitoshi. As he requested you passed your cellphone to the wolf nurse, and after a few minutes of chatting she came back and handed your cellphone to you.

"Shinso-kun, can you call your parents and ask if you can stay here for the night?" she looks at him with a knowing smile.

Hitoshi gets up from his chair and nods calling his mother at once, you can see a  small smile on his face.

You look at wolf nurse curious. "What happened for you to let him stay over?"

"Your brother told me that he doesn't want you alone when the league of villains is so close, he bought my silence, so that Shinso could stay with you." She says as she  puts medication on your IV.

"What did he 'bought' you with?" You look at her suspiciously.

She mumbles something, and you don't understand "Sorry, what did you say?"

She sighs blushing "A date... he bought me with a date" she clears her throat, trying to evade any more questions.

Hitoshi walks to her and hands her his cellphone "my mom wants to talk to you" she  takes the chance to escape as soon as she gets it.

"My brother has too much credit on that fat ass of his" you glare at the back of the nurse and hears your... friend? chuckling.

"Well... he is the hero number 3, and the youngest one at that" you nod at his words and look at him.

"She let you stay?" he nods and smiles

"I have already talked about you to her, so it wasn't hard to-"

"You talked about me with your mom!?" you blushed hard at that.

"W-well... yeah" he blushes and put his hand on the back of his neck "She wanted to know why I was going to the hospital so much, and since you are my only friend since the start of the year she connected the dots and was asking about you non stop after that...."

You nod still blushing and smile at his words "I'm sorry for worrying you all... I'm glad that I have so many people around me, and... most of all I like having you... here... with me..." you get redder and redder until you finish, looking at your own hands and inspecting your nails.

You hear fumbling, and then you see his hand on top of yours, when you meet his beautiful purple eyes, it takes a few moments to notice anything besides his deep and hypnotizing eyes, your eyes start to travel through his face, his eyebrows that are kinda cut on both ends, 'his nose is cute', 'his jaw line is strong', you try to imagine how he would look like with a beard, 'he would look manly'. The bags under his eyes that add to his charm, his ears... 'he would look good with earrings'. You keep inspecting his face with no shame at all.

While you are inspecting him, he's doing the same to you, 'did she always had that small dot under her right ear?' He likes the way you blush so hard that he can see small pale freckles 'probably from the sun, she should use more sunscreen does she even know how dangerous the sun can be!?', your ears are pierced, 'but I never saw her  wearing earrings', 'her eyebrow is kinda bushy, like her brother's', but your eyes, oh your eyes... he loves how you have a spot of yellow on your e/c colored eyes, you look nothing like Hawks, but you still have small resemblances to him. "I-"

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