Chapter 27 - Hands On Your Back

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(I changed my mind again :) now this is an readerXshinso book)

You are lying down on something soft, chest down, also covered by a thin blanket, the surrounding noises are from a machine beeping and... soft breathing?

As you open your heavy eyes the first thing you see is golden hair and bright red wings around you, like a blanket. It takes you a few seconds to realize that your brother was lying next to you not touching you with his arms but with his wings, so that you would be safe with him.

Licking your dry and cracked lips, your breath starts to get uneven, heart beats raising as your eyes gloss over with tears. "Kei-nii..." a cracked and small whisper is everything that you can do.

Now lightly panicking that you can't wake him up, you don't even try to hold your tears as you shake his shoulder with the small strength you have left. "K-Kei... go" 

With a few more shakes you get him to open his eyes, and he smiles at you with his own tears forming "Good morning sleepy head, how are you feeling?" his voice was just like yours, barely a whisper as he pets your head and clean your tear stained face.

"W-what happen? Who? Where?" Your mind was running too fast for someone that was in a temporary coma, which gave you a huge headache

"Shhhhh... It's okay, everything is okay, I will tell you everything later, now I need you to keep calm and focus on your breathing" he put his hand on your lower back and breathed deeply. You copy him and calm down after a few minutes "I will get up and sit on the chair, so I can reach the call bottom okay?"

You nod, and he does as said, but don't take his hand off of your back.

He presses the button and looks back at you "After the check-up, as soon as they let you go we can go home"


"Yes" he gave you a bright smile "Our home"

You smile back and look at the door that was open as a nurse came in, she smiled at you, she looked relived "Glad to see that you are up, your brother and your friends were worried about you" she has long white hair, a tail and ears that look like wolf ears with black tips, and pure obsidian black eyes, void of any other color. 

"Friends?" You look at her and then at Keigo

"Yeah! Here, look!" Keigo points to your other side, and on your bedside table was a few flowers, cards, two books, a drawing of you, dark shadow and Tokoyami smiling. Even if it was only a few things it made you feel precious, it made you feel like you are someone that was missed, your sniffs startle Keigo who runs to the other side of your bed to make sure you are alright, only to be meet with a big smile and happy tears on your face.

He chuckles at the sight and brush your hair off of your face "They are annoying, and why do you only have male friends???" Keigo huffs and crosses his arms looking pissed.

You giggle and pats his hand "Don't worry I only have eyes for one guy"

He puffs his chest and held his nose high, it was too hard to resist the teasing, so you didn't "Oh! now with you, we have two" you say holding your laugh.

"TWO!? It's that Shinso guy that you like isn't it?! He came here three times, and two of those he brought books! I admit that it was very cute to hear him telling you stories for a few hours, BUT EVEN SO! No... now that I think about it... all your friends are more tamed than the ones that I find around my patrol... hmm..."

Your face was already red from embarrassment, but after the last comment he gave, your face and neck was all red, just like Keigo's wings. "Now that I think about it, if I had to choose one of your friends for you to date, I totally would pick Shinso" he nodded to his own words, he turned around and saw you hiding your face on your pillow, he got closer to you with a smile that would send shivers down Satan's spine "Do you perhaps... like him?"

His face meet with a pillow as he laughed at your expense "STOP TEASING ME!" you try to sit up, but pain shot through your back making you give a high pitch scream.

The nurse that was checking around jumped into action staying between Keigo(that now was panicking) and you.

"Y/n-chan please take deep breaths, I know it hurts, but I can't give you any kind of sedative, you just woke up from a coma, so I will need you to calm down" her voice was firm but didn't lack on kindness "That's it, just like that" her hand applies light touches on your bandaged back, but it doesn't hurt, not one bit.

"I-it doesn't" you shallow dry "your touch... doesn't hurt..."

She gives you a small smile "It's my quirk, I can accelerate the healing process as long as I am touching the wound or the person wounded"

Keigo calms down on the background and sits back on the arm chair sighing "Please don't scare me like that again" 

"Kei-nii... please don't lie to me... what will happen to my wings?" you extend your hand, and he takes it on his.

"I would never lie to you about this, you don't need to worry, your wings will grown back just fine, it will take a while but don't worry, you will be ready to do your test" you look at him like he has two heads.

"Test? What test?" the nurse keeps lightly patting your back while she heals it.

"Oh! Since you just woke up you wouldn't know" he clears his throat as he takes his cellphone from his pocket and starts to read "The council board of UA, has decided that Miss Takami Y/n will be given a chance to prove that she can transfer to the Hero Class. The test will be given by Aizawa Shouta(1-A's teacher), and monitored by Hizashi Yamada(English Teacher). The test will be announced on the day, but it will be a two part test, with physical and written exams. It is recommended that you take extra classes beyond your own, and since the Pro-Hero Hawks, volunteered himself as a private teacher, we expect big things from Miss Y/n, further information down below, blah blah blah, go beyond Plus Ultra!" he finishes reading and fist bump the air.

"I-I got in?" You look surprised at him.

"Almost! You are halfway through!!! We can train when you get better! You totally will get in" He pets your head and keeps smiling.

"I want a hug" you pout and the nurse lightly slaps your forehead. 

"Don't you dare to try to get up again! I'm almost out of energy here" her soft hand move around some more, and she stops

"Oh yeah! Miss nurse! How long do you think it will take for her to be able to go home?" Keigo tilts his head 

"You can call me Amaterasu, and she will take a few weeks, two maybe three, to be able to fly, and if I keep healing her everyday she will be able to go home this weekend" the nurse Amaterasu says as she takes notes.

"Cool! But-... what day of the week is? And what time it is?" you look at the window behind Keigo, but the curtains are draw closed

"It's Sunday and right now it is~..." Miss Amaterasu stops taking notes and looks at her watch "3AM!" she smiles brightly and goes to the door "I will inform the doctor that you woke up, I am around here only at night, by day your nurse is my twin sister, she's a trickster so be careful" she waves her finger around and closes the bedroom door.

"So~... You have a crush on the purple guy" he chuckles and looks at you once again red face

"Fuck off Big Bird!" you huff and out looking at him

He gives a full belly laugh and nods "Okay okay, I will leave you alone now lil birb" Keigo kisses the crown of your head and smiles getting comfy and you both wait for the doctor with light chitchat.

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