Chapter 20 - Sports Festival Part 7

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Endevour looked back and saw Y/n there, she looked up at him and shivered from his aura "S-sorry sir! I-I... I should go, but I'm really sorry"  she bowed at him, when she passed him she saw Todoroki Shoto with a dark aura.

It was at that moment that she noticed the dense air around them, by instinct she grabbed his hand and keep walk taking Shoto with her.

"Even if that works for you now, in high school, you'll reach the limit soon enough." Endevour's voice boomed through the corridor as Y/n dragged him out of there.

When they were far enough for her taste she let go of his cold hand.

"Why did you do that?"

"You looked like you needed help... the next fight will be yours right?"

"What of it?"

"I will be cheering for you Shoto-kun!"

"We aren't friends, you can't call me by my first name like that"

"Hmmm... But I want to be your friend! :( "

"No, I don't need friends... but thank you for taking me away from him"

"No problem! Good luck Shoto-kuuuuuuuuuuun!"

He huffed and went to the arena for his fight, while getting closer to his destination the memory of what his father had told him fulled his anger, even if the girl with blue wings had helped him calm down, now he was back at being extremely angry.


Y/n mouth was hanging open, the amount of ice and the velocity that he made them was real fast, Uraraka and Izuku had called her to watch the fights with them, after seeing her blue sad wings and that she wasn't going to watch with her classmates.

"Shoto-kun is incredible!" Y/n was holding on the railing, Izuku on her left and Uraraka and Iida on her right. When she talked her hot breath huffed on the cold air.

Everyone was surprised by the velocity and the amount of ice he did, the ice was coming out off the arena.


While everyone was talking and watching him melt the ice he did, Y/n felt a huge wave of sadness coming from him, it was so big the feeling of remorse and sadness that it would easily meet her even from this far, and her already blue wings got more intense, the cold feeling of sadness was overwhelming her.

Just looking at her was making her eyes overflow with tears.

"Takami-chan why are you crying?" Tokoyami got closer to her, Dark Shadow came out and tried to clean her stained tear faced, but the tears didn't stop coming. 

"These- these aren't my tears...." e/c met with bi colored eyes, which made the feeling more intense 

'I truly am a mood ring' breaking the eye contact and stepping back away from the railing.

"My head hurts... I need to go to the infirmary..."

"Need me to accompany you?" Tokoyami put his hand on her shoulder 

"No, thank you" she gave him a small smile and walked to the infirmary.


"Excuse me... I'm having a bit of a headache, and my fight is the next one" the h/c haired girl looked at the medic pro hero that was sat down on her chair.

"Now you recognize that I am in this room" she looked at her with a poker face

"O-oh... sorry for earlier... I was more focused on To-... on Shinso...." she looked back at her feet.

"Don't worry honey, don't need to explain, I saw the hole thing, here take a candy, you will feel better, and it has medicine too" she put a piece of candy on her hand

Y/n nods and eat the candy "Thank you very much" she bows lightly and watch at the TV, just to see the Pikachu guy rapped around the vines of the girl from class 1-B "I got to go, thank you for the candy" she bows again.

The medic hero just wave her off "Good luck and be careful"

Y/n nods one last time and goes to the arena.

There to the other side she saw Iida standing there, ready to fight head on.

She closed her eyes and let her feathers focus solely on Iida, there is nothing but him and Midnight, not noticing Mic presenting both of them.

When Midnight finish getting her wip down, Y/n was behind him in seconds, she grabbed both off his arms. She flew up not letting him touch the floor.

"Gotcha!" the h/c haired girl flew to the line and throws him off the bonds.


The (h/c)nette looked up and saw everyone cheering for her.

"IIDA TENYA IS OUT OF BONDS, TAKAMI Y/N ADVANCES TO THE NEXT ROUND" Midnight announcement made Y/n's head snap to where the top heroes where, and there was Hawks, with a huge and proud grin on his face clapping his hands at his younger sister.

She smiled and her dark blue wings turned to gold, from sadness to pure happiness, and the new feeling that was bathing her for the first time in her life. 













I almost didn't post this week, and I'm sorry for the chaps being so short, I have been feeling kinda uninspired lately, and it's really new for me, I have always had an enormous amount of creativity 24/7 so this is really new.

Have been thinking about posting my other fic too, just, so I could distract my mind from time to time, but still am not sure of it.

Hope u all are enjoying everything I am writing till now.

Lov 4 all the silence readers out there <3

(also, please check out my other fic, u may like it,.... but only if u are older than 18+)

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