Chapter 34 - Haru

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(didn't find the specific website)

"This room is perfect!!!" You run and jump on the bed, almost bouncing off of it.

"I'm glad you like it" Keigo looks at you and sits on the bed "Since you always had small rooms I thought that I big one wouldn't be very welcomed, so I got the smaller one and redecorated it, if you want to change anything, or wants to add anything, just go to my office, on my tablet you can order anything at anytime"

You pat the bed and Haru jumps on it laying by your side, you pet her lovingly "What did you want to talk about?" You look up at him

Keigo looks down at Haru and back at you "How long do you have her?"

"Around 10 years I think... maybe one less or one more" Keigo clears his throat and put one hand over his mouth.

"Like I said before... She was on the vet, now she will probably go back to eating and will be fine, but... the veterinarian told me to warn you that... she's old... and as you may know, dogs don't live that long... t-they told me that we should be careful with what she eats, that... that she will start losing teeth and... that she can't be alone... that her heart beats are slower than they should..." he held your hand with his two hands 

"Oh... okay!" you chirped back, but Keigo shook his head

"You didn't understand... I will be a little more direct" he looks up and sighs, then look back at you "What I'm trying to say... is that Haru... won't live for much longer, we don't know how longer she will live, but... they told me that she doesn't have much longer, I'm sorry"

You look at him shocked and then at Haru, that was sleeping on your lap, only now that you stop to notice the small changes on her, the gray fur mixed with the black, the way she only takes deep breaths, sometimes she would limp, but when you looked she would be normal, she was taking longer to eat, since she chewed a few times, and other times she would brake the chicken breast and then eat the pieces, also her hearing was getting worst, you had to call her a few times before she heard you.

When your shoulders begging to shake Keigo sits by your side and gives you a side hug, bringing you closer "I'm so sorry, I wish I could do something for you" you sob and star crying while petting Haru in her sleep.

"I'm so stupid for not seeing it before!"

"You couldn't notice when you had so much on your plate, it's okay" he kisses your hair and let you lay your head on his lap "you are not stupid, don't say something like that about someone I love so much"

"I-I'm not ready for this... I don't want to lose her or Void..."

Hawks pick up the little Satan that didn't want to let go of you, Void was pecking his hand since Keigo had hugged you,  so you put him on your pocket, which made Void stop his attacks on your brother "thanks... the little devil almost peck my hand to the bone!!"

You sigh while petting Haru "crows and ravens can eat carcasses, so it's no surprise that he almost did it" your voice was empty and sad, with almost no energy.

"Hey... I know that this is hard, I-I don't know how you feel but-... We should appreciate each second that we have her with us, more now than ever, you are free Y/n" he makes you look at him "Do you want to take her to a park? You can, you want to get her some fancy food? You can, you three are free from your parents, no exceptions" Keigo smiles at you "You want to drop out of U.A. and become a streamer??? YOU CAN!" he raises both arms up to the sky, and it makes you laugh "I will help you, and lead you thru this hard life, until you make a path of your own, okay?"

You smile  back at him "Okay... but I still want to try for the hero course! If I fail we will talk about the streamer thing"

Keigo laughs and pets your head "Sure... why don't you go to sleep? We will be here when you wake up"

"I want to take her to a beach..." you yawn, and feel Haru curling up behind your legs, and put her nose on top of it "She loves water... so she will love... it..." as you close your eyes you see Keigo's smile turn into a worried expression.

"Good night..." 


You wake up to Keigo shaking your shoulder, and when you open your eyes, you see him extra worried "Y/n I-I'm... so sorry but... she- she stopped breathing... and-and her heart stopped too"

You woke up in an instant and sat up, when you looked down at Haru you cried, she was your best and only friend for years, you cried with her by your side since ever, barking to you when you asked a question and when you danced to music she would roll on the floor like she had her own dancing session. The times you were locked up on that damn basement where spend with her keeping you company, and the only warmth you had on that hellish place.

You shock her a little with hope that she would wake up "H-Haru... my flower... my friend..." you took Void off of your pocket and saw him turning into a doll "My only friend..."

Keigo looked confused at the crow doll, and looked at Haru "She had a quirk?" he whispers to himself

You ignored him and picked her up, and laying her on your lap "I-I... you were always by my side... my first friend...  thank you f-for being always with me... thank you for holding out for so long, just so we could sleep together one last time, but this time... being free, I love you so so so much... Thank you" you kiss her head "for everything"

Keigo rub circles on your back as you cry on top of Haru's corpse.

"We can do any type of ceremony okay? But you have to pick one today..." he spoke with a sweet and kind voice.

You nod "just.... give me some time... please"

He nods and leaves you alone, with the dog and the doll.








My dog died in my arms while we were going to the vet, she was very cute, her name was Bombom, I miss her very much. Kudos to all pet owners.

Bombom, was a total lapdog, she was very clingy, and would give you the biggest puppy eyes in the world to ask for food, she would also poke your leg with her nose to ask for food, and if you ignored her she would give small barks, almost like huffs to get your attention.

I remember that she was so small, that one time she tried to jump to the couch, and hit face first on the couch.

I remember that she was so small, that one time she tried to jump to the couch, and hit face first on the couch

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 I hope you all have a great month <3

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