Chapter 26 - Her Friends

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Hawks POV

I know I was ignoring my duties as a pro hero, but I didn't want her to wake up alone, I'm so happy that her wings will grow back, after the doctor told me that she will wake up in some days I felt relived.

I had to go and finish all the paper to be her legal guardian, since my plan worked really well it was easy to make them agree and let her with me...

Furthermore, I sighed and pet her hair, taking the strand of h/c that was on her face and put it back in their place. "Come on pretty birb, it's been 4 days already... I would appreciate if you woke up so that you can pick the decoration of your new bedroom, I think that you will kill me if I do it on my own" I chuckle and kiss her forehead "I need to call my sidekicks to make sure everything is okay, I will be back soon" I get up and go to the door but almost am hit by the door.

"Yoh! Slow down man! You almost hit me" I say backing up a little so that the person can come in. Looking at then I see some faces from the festival, but one that I remembered that she talked about the most was the one in front of me "Hey! I know you! You are my lil sis' friend! Shinso right?"

The boy looked stunned for a few seconds but nodded and bowed to me "Yes, nice to meet you, how is she?"

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder "She is fine, just sleeping, don't worry too much, the docs told me that she will soon wake up, and I can recognize you all from her pics of you, the festival or by the stories she told me"

The other boys bowed, wait... she only has male friends! "Hey! You all better keep your teen hands to yourself, or I will-" my cellphone started ringing, so I clicked my tongue annoyed and huffed "I got to go, but I will be watching you all!" I pass by them and out of the hospital to answer the cellphone.

Normal POV

Shinso huffs and goes to the bed, looking at her back made him worried, she was all bandaged up and that made his heart clench in worry, after he tried to make her go away from his life his heart has been in pain. 'I'm such an idiot! I shouldn't have tried to keep her away from me, I should just accept her friendship and stop being an asshole!'

He sat down and keep looking at her listening carefully as the steps of the other 2 from class 1A got to her other side.

Kirishima looked at her, worried about her wings and everything else, he puts a card and some flower on the bedside table. "Get well soon, we will be waiting for you at classroom" Eijiro petted her head and got out of the room, seeing his friend like that was earth shattering.

Tokoyami put a card, flowers and an apple pie also on the bedside table "We will be waiting for you, Dark Shadow miss hanging out with you" he put his hand on her lower back and caresses there. Dark Shadow was being terrible in the hero training this week, not knowing where Y/n was made him unstable. 

Dark Shadow came out and petted her hair, then he put a drawing with the other things on the bedside table. Tokoyami nodded to Shinso and also get out of the room, leaving Hitoshi alone with her.

Hitoshi open his bag and takes out a book of Folklore Creatures from Brazil, he starts reading for her, Shinso didn't want her to be alone, but also didn't have anything to talk about, so he bought a random book to read to her.

"Boiuna or Big-Snake... well... isn't it an interesting name for a tale" he clears his throat and gets comfy on the armchair "The Boiuna is a giant snake from the North Region of Brazil; she lives among the rocks of rivers and lagoons, from where it leaves to hunt and sink boats. When it comes out of the stones, it thunders, sends lightning and makes it rain. Still, according to folklore, the moon is the head of the serpent, the stars are the eyes, and the rainbow is the blood of the Boiuna." (here, if you would like to read more about Brazilian folklore I myself am brazilian )

He stares at the page for some time "This is... extremely cool!... and weird" Hitoshi huffs, he was about to read another legend, but Hawks came back to the room with a nurse.

"Hey! I know you would like to stay with her, but she needs to take a sponge bath, the docs said they would try to wake her up tomorrow" Keigo said as he got closer to the bed

"Okay, please tell her to send a message as soon as she can" Hitoshi put the book on the bedside table and as he was about to exit the room he turns to Hawks and says "I'm sure that she will love moving in with you" then he's gone.

Keigo stares at the door for a few seconds and look at the nurse "Do you need me to..." he points to the door.

The nurse shakes her head "I will just close the curtain, I know you musk be worried about her Hawks-sama, but from what I see she will be okay, there is a lot of people looking out for her" the nurse closes the curtain and does her job.

Keigo chuckles and sat on the armchair where Hitoshi was set "She sure does..." he looks at the weird book that the boy had left her, and the other gifts, giving a little smile he opens the book and reads it, as he waits for his little sister to wake up.









Yoh, please check out my other stories, also, if you use other platforms you can also find me on Tumblr, Ao3 and Quotev, but remember that here is always the first place that I post on.

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